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Flagged Items

Related products:Inspection Report
  • Corey
  • Camille


Would it be possible on the reports to have another summary section like the flagged section.

Currently when we do an inspection and fail (mark as flagged) an item these can be shown in a summary page on the report which is great, but could this also be extended to say ‘Advisory or At Risk’ summary page. Its just that we think it could be ideal that on the report the Failed items are show (which they currently are) but then have a summary of items that could do with looking at very soon, it just highlights these issues and brings them to the attention of the reader of the report, at the start.

I understand that the items in this will need amending within the inspection but could it be done the same way as marked as flagged, just marked as failed or advisory or flagged level 1, 2, 3 etc?

3 replies

Divya Konnur
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 16 replies
  • June 19, 2023

Thanks @Dean Stevenson for your suggestion.

Could you please give us some example report to help us understand your idea better?


Best regards,




Its just that in the past when we have undertaken an inspection we have failed and used the flagged option to highlight this and then when we send the report off we also use the option of using the Flagged Items in the summary page, which is great.

However we was wondering if this could be adapted further, by having the option to set flagged levels (customisable) so these can also be included in the summary page - ideally on their own page to say something on the lines of

Flagged (Red) - Level 1 - FAILED Item

Flagged (Orange) - Level 2 - Advisory - Needs Actions, but not failed

Flagged (Yellow) - Level 3 - May Need Reviewing in near further 


And then on the report we could have Failed Items (Level 1) - Summary on one page (or two depending on quantity), New summary page for Level 2 and again new page for level 3 etc

This way we can action the failed items (flagged) and review these instantly in the report, but also bring it to the attention of the end user (report reader) that there are also other issues that haven’t failed yet but are advisory and need looking at before they become an issue, at the start of the report. 

I general its just away we have though of highlighting advisory issues in a risk level basis at the start of the report


  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • August 22, 2024

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