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Under consideration

Issues Notifications

Related products:Issues
Keith J
  • Keith J
    Keith J
  • Benjamin


I was recently asked by a site management team if they should choose Issues over Actions for “on the floor” reporting.  The two look identical with only a few differences (Assets in Actions, Labels in Actions vs. Issue category, recurring Action option, probing questions in Issues, Actions can come from Inspection vs. initiating inspection from Issues).  The conclusion was that the notification feature when creating an Issue was powerful, and management can later determine if an Action follow up is necessary.  However, Issues notifications has problems:

  • Site is being forgotten because there is no option to require it (either globally or by category). This keeps notifications from happening and prevents access. We know notifications will go out later if you assign a site afterwards, but this isn’t usually caught right away if at all.  So then the notifications are not timely.
  • To more easily setup who needs to get notified for each category across each of our sites, I setup a group for each site (such as “Issues Property Damage Chicago”).  Unfortunately, the message in the timeline then displays “A notification has been sent to members of SITENAME who are also in ALL GROUPS IN CATEGORY SETTING.” 
    • This list of groups is long in appearance.
    • This list of groups is confusing to end users.  I know there won’t be site-associated matches in most of the groups, but everyone else does not. 
    • Alternatively, I have switched to a single, combined group for all sites with everyone that needs to be notified for that Issue category at each site (such as “Issues Property Damage”). While that is less confusing to the end user, it is harder for me to manage because I can’t sort the groups by what site its members are in to provide that to their team or see who is in the group by site.
  • The message in the timeline for automated notifications does not tell you who in those groups specifically matched being associated to the site selected. This leaves the end user wondering who was actually notified. I have to tell the management teams to train their people that it has been properly setup and just “trust that it works.”
  • The “who should be notified about this issue” panel pops up immediately after reporting an issue. The timing of this panel is a bit odd, because you have not yet been prompted to answer the probing questions for the category, so a notification will go out before you even complete the reporting. The probing questions should come up first. Additionally, this panel floats over the timeline, so you can’t see the message about “a notification has been sent...” regarding the automated notifications.  They end up selecting specific people to notify, not realizing some or all of them may have already gotten the notification automatically.


I’ve already reported a lot of Issue improvements that are necessary in another post (Make Reporting Issues Faster and More Informing | Community (, but this new post provides more detail surrounding notifications and access which is our first stumbling block.

6 replies

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  • 262 replies
  • May 17, 2023

Sorry for replying to my own post, but I wanted to report an update.  We REALLY want to use Issues companywide. But these flaws with choosing a site, setting up notifications, and the interface regarding notifications when reporting an Issue are causing problems.  I have 3 sites that are piloting Issues and a couple others dabbling, one of which is going strong on using them for everything. They are all struggling for several reasons, with notifications/sites being a big one.

Matt Lewandowski
SafetyCulture Crew

Hey Corey, thanks a lot for all of the feedback.

I’m the Engineering Manager for the Incident Response team, which has recently taken over the Issues feature. I’m just now going through your posts and taking note of all of your ideas. I can see how the current feature would be somewhat limiting without what you are mentioning. I’ll try to get through all of your problems.

  • We understand the importance of the site name for data integrity and notifying the right people. We have heard similar feedback and we are actively considering how we should handle mandatory fields.
  • I can understand how important it would be for the end user to know who was notified. The team and I have not explored this feature yet, but we will look into the current implementation and how we can enhance it. Based off of your feedback, I’m gathering that it would be best for your team to always just display a list of the users who were notified, based on the membership, and rules selected.
  • I believe this feature was implemented before the prompted questions. So previously, you would see the message for who was notified. I agree with you though, it does feel like bad timing, since you may notify the same users.

The mandatory site question is something that will take a bit more time to research, along with all other mandatory fields. The visual notification requests are something that we can look into a lot sooner.

I really appreciate the time you took to leave such valuable feedback and share your suggestions and requests with us. Your input is valuable to our team, as it helps us understand your needs better and make improvements to provide you with an even better experience.

  • Starter
  • 5 replies
  • December 20, 2023

@Matt Lewandowski just checking if you are still looking into this issue.  I have been spending several weeks moving our existing 'issue' reporting across to Safety Culture. I think it is extremely useful and a great addition to meet mandated European and Australian Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) reporting requirements. For us, the ability to select an 'Asset' and create an associated 'Issue' would be extremly useful, particularly for fostering a 'Reporting Culture'. Looking forward to a Christmas present 🎅

  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • August 23, 2024
NewUnder consideration


Hey ​@Corey - I appreciate this is post is a year old and things may have moved on from when you originally posted it. I have a query around issues and you may be well-placed to help/advise…

I have a “Safety Incident” Issue set up. It has a drop-down where the reporter can select the type of incident eg Unsafe Act, Property Damage, Injury etc.
I want the H&S department to be notified of ALL safety incidents, and this was simple to achieve. However, I have a particular group of people that I only want them to be notified if it’s an Injury incident (from the drop-down).
It seems that you can’t do this easily. My next step, therefore, was when the issue is logged it is manually “shared” with a Group consisting of eight people who need to be made aware of “Injury” category of the issue. I now find that when you go to share an issue, you can’t select a Group, you have to select all eight people individually.

Hope that’s clear.

Any ideas?

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  • 262 replies
  • January 18, 2025

Tom, the Issues feature can only notify based on the category and optionally the site too.  They don’t have an option to notify based on responses to one of the questions during reporting.  That can only be done in inspections with the logic option to send a notification.  

I would just create a separate Issues category for “Injury.”  Then you can setup separate notifications for that category to include the people that only want those and the people that want those plus the others.  When they report, they would pick if they are making the Issue as a “Safety Incident” or an “Injury.”  Perhaps rename it to “Safety Hazard” or “Safety Observation” because you’ll be removing injury from the probing question choices.  


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