
Which feature do you believe has the most potential waiting to be unlocked? (Poll)

  • 24 June 2024
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 1

We hear your feedback and want to know more! Tell us below and we will take it directly with our Product team 💡

Which feature do you believe holds the most potential?

8 replies


Credentials for me! I think there is a lot of potential here, it would be great if this could be expanded upon further. 😀

It would work as a great tool for monitoring contractor / subcontractors compliance, ensuring that you have all their documentation (policies, insurances, certifications, training, accreditations etc) all in one place.

The notification element would help to relieve the administration involved in keeping on top of this, and help it to become more of a self-managed process. 

For me its looking at the Sites, still waiting for an Archive Function on the sites. 

And then also finishing off the work that had stated on Analytics. Whilst it started, its still missing most of the functionality from the “Legacy” version, that we use a lot. That I can see but not all of our team can, based on permissions. Responses, Item Scores, Conducted, and the main Overview page, inc maps

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

I agree with the 2 posts and cannot just pick 1 from the list Bianca as there are so many.

I really think SC Training linking with credentials and giving a live competency profile per person has to be up there.

So does Risk Assessments - a template or system for this is a MUST.

Having all contractors personnel etc on the system with a simple way to register and have a gateway control even before they start with the org or on any project.

Legislative and accreditation systems that assist with global or country based requirements.


There are so many and all imo key.


Userlevel 3
Badge +2



PS can you add Credential to your list

Userlevel 1

Thank you for your feedback @emmashuff , @Chris Franklin and @jonnyg - I am loving your ideas and feedback! I’ve got the product team’s eyes on your comments to stay tuned incase we’ve got any specific features/capabilities in development or under consideration 👀

As for the poll@jonnyg, unfortunately I am not able to edit it once published (noted for next time), my apologies 🙏🏽 More polls and community questions to come though, so keep watch!!! 



We hear your feedback and want to know more! Tell us below and we will take it directly with our Product team 💡

There are some great modules within Safety Culture and with some fine tuning some of them could be taken to another level. In addition to inspections we use the system as a service request and job management system, raising issues, inspections and follow on actions. A couple of thoughts for enhancements. 

  1. When raising an action from an inspection where the inspection was generated from an issue, the action does not link back to the issue, so that golden thread is lost.
  2. Within Assets it would be useful to have the ability to have a user defined drop down selection to ensure data entry is consistent. 
  3. In analytics it would be useful to graph or table Issues Assigned.
  4. Action filtering - if an action is assigned to an external email (someone without a seat who may be asked to complete a one-off job) you can’t filter on that assignee.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Thank you for the replies.

One thing that is required in the inspections and templates area quite quickly due to the demand is an autonomous RISK Assessment template that hits the requirements that many on here have been asking for.


If this is in the pipeline then please indicate this to the community in order that we can ask for other options, solutions and improvements.


Thanks John

Userlevel 1

Hey @jonnyg I’ve shared this with the Inspections team internally and will get back to you on a response as soon as possible. In regard to an archive function for sites @Chris Franklin I’ve spoken with the team and their focus at this time is on the grouping feature, so to be completely transparent, archiving isn’t an immediate priority however they have taken this into consideration as they build out requirements for the new grouping functionality. Thank you in advance for your understanding. 

@MichaelC hi! I am waiting on some more information specific to (1). To point (2) one of our product managers responded in this thread that this is something we are currently scoping… so stay tuned. In regard to (3 - graph or table issues assigned), if you check out @Manan response in this thread, at the moment whilst you can see who the Issue is assigned to in the drilldown, and filter by the Issue status, we recognise there isn’t a way for a user to group/trend Issues by Assignee - we’ve taken this with our team 🙏🏽 As for (4) this is interesting and whilst it’s a use-case we don't currently cater for would it be possible to use a Label to filter external users? For example at time of creation they add a label for the company name the assignee is from, and can then filter that way later?


