Hi All,
I was intrugued to see the introduction of a Lone Worker module in SafetyCulture. We currently run another LoneWorker solution within our business but it would be great to be able to have one less dashboard when the feature becomes fully live.
Based on my experience with the solution we are currently running I would like to first off say that for an early access program things are looking very promising. I especially like the automated call function, this is something we dont have within our solution and we pay additional fees to a 3rd party monitoring centre to relay calls when events are raised with lone workers.
A couple of features which I feel would be a great addition to SafetyCultures solution would be…
- Categorisation of notifications and automated calls. Currently all “events” are flagged as Panic Alarms in the email, sms and automated call notifications. It would be useful to categorise these so that in the event of multiple notifications they can be dealt with in order of priority. The categories could be… Panic, Missed Check In, Session Expired.
- The ability to change (or have more intrusive) notification sounds when a Check In is due. We are tesing LoneWorker on iOS and have noticed that the check in alerts can very easliy be missed due to their very discreet notification tone and thus causing un-necessary intervention from the escalation team.
I hope this is helpful but please reach out if you want any further information