You’ve got early access to the new Training Matrix report
This report provides Admins and Managers with an overview of their team’s competencies against mandatory training. Allowing them to assess where the biggest gaps are and prioritise which staff or sites/teams need further attention.
What you can do:
- Monitor overall team compliance with training
- Confirm if user/group/site has completed their assigned mandatory courses and how many of the required are left (gap count)
- View all users and their course progress with a traffic light system, showing 6 status levels ranging from ‘not started’ to ‘overdue’
- Slice and dice the report with many filters to choose from including user, group/site, course title, status and more
- For detailed insights like time spent and completion dates, check CCBU reports
How to get started:
- Available on all SafetyCulture plans, to users with the permissions ‘Training Admin’ or ‘Training Manage Teams’
- To learn more read this support article, contact your Customer Success Manager, or schedule a demo today
👋 The Training Matrix report is currently in Early Access and we are actively working on enhancements. If there’s something you’d like to see, please let us know!