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Set the order of folders and templates manually

Related products:Templates


I would like to have the ability to order my folders and templates manually

Currently, this is done automatically by adding a number to the beginning of any template or folder. However, when there are more than 9 items, the sorting gets confused, ie items 1 and 10 are sorted before item 2. 

I would like to have the ability to manually manipulate the order of my folders and templates that are not pre-pended by a number, similar to how lists within templates can be manually ordered. 

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • March 1, 2024

Hi @aubreyt đź‘‹

Thank you for sharing the idea!

For the workaround you’re currently using, while it’s not ideal, you can consider numbering the folders in a 2 or 3 digit system. For example, rather than “1. Folder”, number it as “001. Folder”. This way it’ll be sorted in the order you expect.

To give you some context, currently, the numbers are being sorted like alphabets, which is why they’re being sorted like that.

Appreciate your understanding in this as we look to improve this experience in the future!

  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • August 23, 2024
New→Not planned

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