I would like to see the following additions relating to photos within the Safety Culture auditing:
- To link a photo to a text answer or note e.g. we often take multiple photos for a question and provide specific details in the text answer or supplementary notes. However, it is difficult to highlight which photo you are referring to in the comments. It would be nice to be able to link a photo (e.g. Photo 3) to a comment. As present we need to wait until the report is completed, go back to the office, view the report and check the photo numbering to then go back to edit the report and update the numbering next to our comments. This is painful and does not allow us to finalise our reports and send them to our Clients while on site.
- To be able to rearrange photos e.g. sometimes I need to edit a photo or upload a replacement. It then moves the photo to the end. This is a pain when they are taken in sequential order.
- To be able to drag a photo to another answer or move it within a report. Often staff add a photo to the wrong question. It is difficult to fix.
- In the edit view of a report, to be able to click on a photo and see its Photo number. This would be helpful too.