Global Response Sets (GRS) are great, and although we like to use the API to create these, oftentimes that means the GRS contains a LOT of options.
An idea would be that based on a previous response, the GRS could be filtered based on that former response.
Instead of using the existing logic to show/hide questions with shorter GRS options (i.e. a separate GRS for each type), it is the same question that contains the data; this allows for a much cleaner root cause analysis and trending.
A use case could be the following:
- A GRS exists for all job IDs for our tasks our field engineers undertake
- The GRS should have the ability to contain multiple columns of data, e.g. job ID, Engineer completing the task, Date of the works, Location etc
- Question A asks for the date of the job, which the user completes using the date picker
- Question B asks the user to pick the correct job ID - the options in the GRS are limited to the date from question A, which would reduce errors
The functionality could then extend to:
- Question C then can be auto-populated with the location
- Question D can then be auto-populated with the engineer’s name etc
It could be an option that the automated field is not editable, so it keeps true to the source data.
Another example could be:
- User selects an answer from a dropdown box containing a vehicle registration number from the dropdown made up of a GRS
- The following fields then auto-opulate with the additional information from the GRS such as Make, Model, Last Service date etc
- User selects an Asset from the dropdown
- There are then fields from the Asset record which auto-populate the pre-defined list of next questions on the inspection on the inspection