Would any of the Community join me in thinking that the introduction of a "duplicate item" function within Safety Culture's template system would be a good idea?
As a fire door inspector, I frequently assess multiple doors that are identical or nearly identical, with only minor variations. Currently, I have to re-enter the same information manually for each new item, which is both time-consuming and inefficient.
A duplicate item feature would allow users to copy the details from the previous item and make necessary amendments, significantly improving workflow efficiency.
To illustrate: within a single inspection, I often complete over 100 questions per door, with most answers remaining the same apart from a few adjustments. Without a duplication option, I must scroll back and manually cross-check my previous entries, which is not only tedious but also introduces the risk of inconsistencies.
A quick review of my recent fire door inspection templates confirms how frequently data repeats across items.
I therefore strongly believe that a duplicate and amend function would benefit not just fire door inspectors but many professionals using Safety Culture for similar structured assessments.