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Customise Repeat Section Headers

Related products:Templates
  • February 22, 2023
  • 7 replies
  • sampop



As per the example above, we have a repeatable section for ‘Terrace’ but from the perspective of the user, it is not clear what each terrace is until you click on the section and review the notes.

So in the example of a shopping centre, the user will need to add a new ‘Terrace’ for each shop they inspect. So Terrace 1 might be ‘John Lewis’, Terrace 2 might be ‘Zara’, Terrace 3 might be ‘Apple Store’ and so on.

Let’s say the user is on site and they have added 30 shops (or ‘Terraces’ in the above example). The inspection now has 30 Terrace sections. The user then realises that they need to add some more notes to the ‘Apple Store’ section but they don’t know which of the 30 Terrace sections is ‘Apple Store’ so they need to spend time clicking through each Terrace repeat until they find it. If, however, the user was able to customise the header of each Terrace repeat then it would be much easier for them to identify because the Section Header would read ‘Apple Store’ instead of, for instance ‘Terrace 4’.

7 replies

Paddy Bell
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 82 replies
  • February 23, 2023

Hi @K.Maxim my name’s Paddy and I am the Product Manager for the Inspections team here at Safety Culture. I’d love to hear more about your ideas in this post including your other post around allowing users to duplicate a repeated section. 


If you would like to organise a time to chat further you can reach me on and we can organise a call :) 


All the best! 

  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • February 27, 2023

I agree with this - perhaps there is a built-in field under the repeat section named “section descriptor.”  If it’s fire extinguishers, for example, you could add its labeled identifier there such as FE-MS-1, FE-MS-2, FE-OF-1.  If the repeat section title was “Fire Extinguisher”, then in the report you’d see “Fire Extinguisher - FE-MS-1” and so on.

Tied to that, I’d love to see a min, max, and min/max setting on Repeat Sections when editing the template.  We would use this a lot more if we could force users to add a certain amount before considering the inspection complete, or limit them so they don’t create extras.  

Matt Roche
  • Speaker
  • 28 replies
  • December 20, 2023

This is a necessity. In the example above, the Section Heading is focused on Terrace numbering, not the specific, easily recognizable name. At present you would need to have the first question being: What is the Terrace Name for example. This is not easy for the user, not is in the headlight for the Client when they are readying a Safety Culture report.

  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • August 23, 2024
NewUnder consideration

  • Starter
  • 1 reply
  • August 29, 2024

I am so glad this is under consideration.  We have the same issue with reports whereby each plant room is a separate repeatable section as numbers of rooms differ from building to building. However, when viewing the report it is not clear what section is what plant room and actions raised do not take account which plant room the action is against.

Dangerous Dave

This is similar to using the risk assessment template where you tick the repeat section - it just comes up with Hazard 1 and then Hazard 2 etc.  This is not good as it really should allow for adding in the type of hazard - as in the example of allowing to name a particular store.

User-friendly approach is needed.

  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • December 16, 2024
Under considerationNot planned


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