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Checklist Facility from listed Assets from a Site

Related products:Actions
  • julian.nicholls

Dangerous Dave

Although the QR Code facility is good, this lends an issue to where remote persons not licensed to Safety Culture can scan the codes but can’t do checks.  Same with Guest Seats (only 3 inspections per year) and Lite Seats (12 inspections per year).  If you have 100+ assets this is a huge problem!

Would like to be able to generate an actual checklist with checkboxes or user-input list options to be able to send to Lie, Guest and external persons for them to complete and send back - all linked via Actions which can be assigned to the persons accordingly.  They receive the action with checklist and then complete it and attach back via the action when completing the action.

7 replies

Duncan Heuer
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 66 replies
  • July 8, 2024

Hi @Dangerous Dave,


User-based pricing for the inspections feature is the model we currently have. But I’m aware that for certain industries this model presents a problem. ie: a car rental companies where the “users” are the general public. In these cases an account exec would look into the specifics of the needs and work out how best to help you.


If capturing information from non-SC users is what you are after, then the Issues feature (via a qrcode) allows this to happen. 


I’d be keen to understand your use case here in more detail. Feel free to post publicly or DM me. 




Dangerous Dave
Duncan Heuer wrote:

Hi @Dangerous Dave,


I’d be keen to understand your use case here in more detail. Feel free to post publicly or DM me. 




@Duncan Heuer 

Thank you for the response.

My explanation of the system is that each asset acquires a QR Code so that a licensed user can scan it and attain its presence, etc.  One scan is one inspection when linked to an inspection template.

A Guest User only allows for 3 inspections per year - so can only scan and verify 3 assets.

Same goes for Lite Users - only 12 per year.

So if a company has over 1000 assets this is the problem.

If SC platform allowed for a Checklist module that would link into the Assets module (site-selected option) to enable generation of an Asset Checklist Inspection to be assigned/scheduled an action to either a Guest or External Email person, then such person would need to action using that Checklist Inspection to check all assets are at that site.  In essence this would only be one inspection.

Currently your platform does not allow this and so forces companies to make Guests up to Lite or even Full Seat Users.

Your suggestion of the Issues module does not answer what I am after as it does not link to the Assets.


What I am after is a Checklist Module that links to the Assets Module - so you can generate a Checklist of all Assets at a particular Site that you can assign to an external person via email to check all assets accordingly.

Andrew N
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 17 replies
  • September 11, 2024

Hi @Dangerous Dave,


Firstly thank you for sharing your idea with us, these ideas are invaluable in helping shape up our product! For the example you have referenced, I understand the request and the benefit it would give you. For now this is the commercial model we have implemented in the attempt to best offer value to customers for guest and lite seat whilst also ensuring value when using a full seat. As you can imagine, this is challenging across a wide user base. I have shared your feedback with the commercial team as we are always reviewing these offerings. For now in the Actions space however this will not be on the immediate roadmap for development.


Thank you again and please feel free to share any future thoughts with us.


Cheers, Andrew

Dangerous Dave
Andrew N wrote:

Hi @Dangerous Dave,


Firstly thank you for sharing your idea with us, these ideas are invaluable in helping shape up our product! For the example you have referenced, I understand the request and the benefit it would give you. For now this is the commercial model we have implemented in the attempt to best offer value to customers for guest and lite seat whilst also ensuring value when using a full seat. As you can imagine, this is challenging across a wide user base. I have shared your feedback with the commercial team as we are always reviewing these offerings. For now in the Actions space however this will not be on the immediate roadmap for development.


Thank you again and please feel free to share any future thoughts with us.


Cheers, Andrew

Hello Andrew,

Thank you for your reply.  However this is disappointing as does not lend any support from my view point.  Also your response does not offer any forward good answers to what i requested as an idea… more it was just word salad to tell me you are doing what you can do and are not entertaining anything else.  Surely it is customers that transform your platform?

Although we are using your platform I am in process of gathering information to assess another platform that might offer this facility and therefore in the future we may be taking this to them instead of Safety Culture.

Your platform should offer this as a matter of importance.  All it takes is a change to allow for compiling a list of assets at a particular site (which it does already) but with the added bonus it creates a QR Code for that list.  Then we can action it to someone who can use this list as a checklist via your app and then once completed they submit to say it has been done.

I am just surprised that you feel this is not important, however you feel you say the benefit that it would offer me is important.  Obviously not important enough, although I am sure there are others on here that would agree with me.

That said thank you for the response.

Kind regards…


Andrew N
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 17 replies
  • September 11, 2024

Hi @Dangerous Dave


You are correct, it is customers that help shape and transform our platform. Clearly, I haven’t nailed the execution of my previous response in that you felt it was more of a word salad style response. Apologies for that. 

Having said that, I have been mulling over your problem and may have thought of a solution that is in the works in this space. Any chance you would be up for a video call to discuss? 

At a high level, the feature that is currently in development is to link Templates (inspections) to Actions. Essentially by doing this, the action with the associated template (in your case this could be to check 100+ assets) could then be sent to a user be completed. When the inspection is completed and the Action closed, you would have effectively closed that piece of work, pending the inspection created met your needs. I’m not so clear how you would like it linked to Assets though, whether 1 massive inspection allocated to all assets, or intending to be smaller ones which may be the issue, hence maybe a call we could spit ball some ideas.  


Let me know if this is of any help and or you would like to connect 

Dangerous Dave

Hi @Andrew N 

Yes this would be a great idea.

Although I am also more concerned with the number of inspections allowed by Guests (IE: only 4 currently?).

As each asset item creates its own QR Code therefore scanning in and checking one item is classed as 1 inspection.


Please let me know a day and time for a possible Teams meeting on your idea.





Andrew N
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 17 replies
  • September 11, 2024

Excellent and thank you. I can make any day between 830-930 or if afternoon suits, then Monday or Tuesday next week between 3-5. If they don’t suit let’s align over email:


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