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Assign assets to sites in bulk via CSV

Related products: Assets

I have uploaded my Sites with the CSV upload and same for my Assets. Now I need to link my Assets to the different Sites.
Is there a way to do it with in bulk?

Thanks for your help 😊

Hi Charles,

You can select multiple assets in web and assign a site to them.


Hi Phanikumar,

Thanks for your reply. So there is no way to do it in bulk?

I have a lot of assets in a lot of different sites, doing manually would take me days…

Hi Charles,

Unfortunately not.

Currently selecting multiple assets via UI and assigning sites is the only way.

Hi @Charles 


You can now add sites doing the upload/update process. 


Remember to add the site UUID (not the site name) into your spreadsheet.


How is an article on how to find your site UUID’s



