Hey Alyssa,
Thanks for this. These are great suggestions.
1 is one we’ve not considered yet, but it is a good idea.
2 + 3 will come soon. The reordering fields part is probably a week or so away.
Hierarchy is also on the roadmap for later in the year.
Keep the ideas coming.
Spectacular news! Thanks so much!
I’m happy to elaborate further on #1 if you need some examples of how it would be useful.
Crying out for your second idea. I’ve asked a few months about this and having a choice of fields like Text entry, list, radio button. Asset lists can become messy when people enter in data into text fields slightly different to each other. The option to give a list to choose from, for example; cable length like 2 Meter, 3 Meter, 5 Meter, 10 Meter instead of seeing 2m, 2mtr, 2M, 2 Meter, 2METER would please my OCD.,
Las ideas 2 y 3 me parecen totalmente necesarias.
Hi Alyssa,
Reordering of fields in the edit type page is now live. This can be achieved through a simple drag and drop to order however you see fit. This functionality also works for adding and removing fields.
Thanks for your patience and we will keep delivering more Asset’s features soon.
Woohoo!! Thanks a million! Looking forward to seeing what’s to come 
Hey Alyssa,
Thanks for this. These are great suggestions.
1 is one we’ve not considered yet, but it is a good idea.
2 + 3 will come soon. The reordering fields part is probably a week or so away.
Hierarchy is also on the roadmap for later in the year.
Keep the ideas coming.
Hello @Duncan Heuer
Now that it’s been 5 months since this thread was posted, I’m curious to know if there is any estimated timeline for when we can expect the asset hierarchy? 
I’m really looking forward to this feature!
Another feature request for asset @Finlay George
Lock certain fields like “Unique ID, Type” etc to admins and allow users to edit other details
It is still on the roadmap but the work hasn’t started yet.
We’ve prioritised building:
- Capturing usage (hr/km/miles) from inspections
- Building maintenance programs based off usage (and then time based as well)
- Access controls for Assets
- Linking Issues<>Assets
After these features we intend to start work on hierarchy and multiple asset inspections. Both these features are a high priority for us.
Thanks for the suggestions. While we do get some requests for more granular controls, we get a lot more requests to prioritise broader controls ie: certain assets available to certain groups, regions, sites, or individuals. So we’ve started on this, and once we have better overall controls we will look to inducing finer grained controls in the future.
Another feature request for asset @Finlay George
Lock certain fields like “Unique ID, Type” etc to admins and allow users to edit other details
It is still on the roadmap but the work hasn’t started yet.
We’ve prioritised building:
- Capturing usage (hr/km/miles) from inspections
- Building maintenance programs based off usage (and then time based as well)
- Access controls for Assets
- Linking Issues<>Assets
After these features we intend to start work on hierarchy and multiple asset inspections. Both these features are a high priority for us.
Hi @Duncan Heuer,
Thank you for the update! The first two features is particularly interesting. In my work with rail vehicles, our maintenance program relies heavily on usage (kilometers) and time intervals. Will there be an option to access usage data from external sources via API?
Hey @Kristoffer.L
Yes, we doing both.
Readings can come from sensors / telematics / IoT devices via the API (this is supported today with KM/miles/hrs/min units), and very soon manually via inspections (ie: pre-starts). We have 4 integrations (Samsara, GeoTab, AT&T and Caterpillar) available on the integrations tab.
We also have another integration with a partner company called Inauro and they have integrations to dozens of other OEM’s.
While our Assets API’s are public, our Sensor API’s still need a bit of work, but they too will be public soon, so anyone can build an integration to bring in their readings. Until that is available to self-serve, our CSE’s can build integrations for customers who are on the enterprise plan.
The piece of work we finalising at the moment is the linking of readings to inspections so these readings can be captured manually during an inspection.
Maintenance programs / plans is already underway, so when that is done you will be able to set triggers / thresholds for when service intervals are due. Then either inspection readings or IoT readings will trigger these events.
If you want to take a look and provide feedback on what we are doing while we build it, let’s tee up a call. Send me an email and we can find a convenient time.
Very keen to see the following delivered soon:
- Parent-child hierarchical relationships between assets
- Multiple inspections for assets
At the moment we don’t use the Assets module, mainly because of the above issues.
Most of the updates above are 3 months old. Is there any more recent news on the subject?
Under consideration→Work in progress