As a company we currently log these and have the ability to facilitate AFRs based on person hours v incidents.
Although we use issues for near misses and hazards, we do not use this for Incidents.
Would like to be included on the group for this if possible.
So incidents lead to investigations and procedures amended and people trained that is link to retained risk and litigation and insurances.
My query relates specifically to data crunching.
We currently use another system for every single contractor that may enter site.
They register onto this system within a contract company and we can gather and communicate information. There fore we have the stats that link to person hours and incidents to give us our accreditation requirement for incident stats.
Will this be available in the beta feature for incidents.
How will SC include all individuals involved on a project which then encompasses total safety communication and collaboration?
Af a season Safety Leader and professional I am always looking for simpler more effective solutions and want to challenge SC technical and Design to have this as a potential time line on the Incidents system.
If someone can reach out to discuss further then I will be more than happy.👍