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Different Lite Seats

  • January 8, 2025
  • 5 replies
  • DevaReddy

  • Learner
  • 4 replies

The 12 inspections per year have really limited what our organization can do with Lite Seats, therefore we have not purchased any.

Would it be possible to create a different type of lite seat that could perform unlimited inspections and create actions. As all the other stuff that a lite seat is capable of doing we would never utilize with any of our employees besides the ones with full seats already

5 replies

Nicholas Ochoa


I like this observation about seat types. I’d like to have a different type of lite seat where you can have a higher amount (or unlimited) inspections.

It may be a toggle between lite seat options of unlimited inspections or training content creation ability. These lite seats can access to take training, but not manage or create training content.


  • Speaker
  • 25 replies
  • January 9, 2025

Agree. Completing unlimited inspections and the ability to complete training is required for employees, but I also think the schedule functionality and limited access to the asset area are needed. I feel like this would suit employees on the ground. 

  • Speaker
  • 260 replies
  • January 9, 2025

I have been asking for a middle-tier “Inspector” seat.  It would have access to training too like the Lite seat, but it would have 2,500 (or unlimited) inspections available to it. These people do not need some of the Full seat features, such as editing templates, accessing integration setup, managing data, etc.  Therefore, we are wasting money and really limiting who can use the platform because we can’t justify the cost of a full seat for everyone who does the bulk of the inspection work.

The cost would be between Lite and Full.  I would then lower the Full seat price some, because we’d end up purchasing a large amount of the new seat type and less of the Full, but in total it would cost us much more still.

Keith J
  • Starter
  • 13 replies
  • January 31, 2025

I agree - we do third party inspections - most of our clients need to do in house weekly or monthly inspections on the structures we inspect.  I would not need them to have access to anything other than complete an inspection, and view inspection reports.  A mid price tier we could sell or absorb. I know they can use a QR code to do an inspection, but their own access to review their reports (and data) would be helpful

  • Speaker
  • 260 replies
  • February 3, 2025

I know that SC is exploring many different license models, such as carte blanche and you choose feature access.  But I think a really easy solution to many situations could be just adding the middle tier seat and adjusting the prices between the 3 paid seats.  You would have Guest, Trainee (Lite), Inspector (New), and Administrator (Full).


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