Sites are one portion of the app that we have not been able to use since its inception. We have always managed sites outside of the app and leveraged the API to prefill inspections based on site information. We use a HTTP button in our Site list to trigger an automation that creates the inspection with the information from the selected row. Once successful, we send an email to the inspector with a link to the inspections so that he can continue that work. Site information is integral to reporting, and manually entering site information in our inspections resulted in many spelling errors which lead to inaccurate reporting. For example, we need to know the following in our inspections:
- Site ID
- Site Name
- Site address
- Site manager
- Site management company
- Site point of contact
- Previous inspection notes/flagged items to follow-up on
- Site inspection type (some sites either do not require inspections or are only allowed certain types of inspections depending on the services provided there)
Is there any plan to add additional fields to sites or enable any type of in app prefilling?