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Support tables in templates and inspections

Related products:TemplatesInspections
Paddy Bell
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  • Helper
  • 21 replies

I hope the SafetyCulture team sees this.

I want to be able to add Tables in my templates. I think this should’ve been supported when they started working on this Template Editor…

Anyone else agree on this?

25 replies

  • Author
  • Helper
  • 21 replies
  • February 5, 2023

Oh you can upvote, if anyone’s also wanting Table in the Template Editor. Plz Uppvote!

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 177 replies
  • February 5, 2023

Thank you for creating this idea @Ollie! I’ve updated the idea title so that it’s easier to find for other members :)

  • Author
  • Helper
  • 21 replies
  • February 5, 2023

Thanks @jackihann 

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 1 reply
  • February 5, 2023

Hi Ollie, been really wanting this feature too so gave you an upvote 😃 I use tables in my own templates to display info too. What I do for now is to attach the table using an image/PDF file to an Instruction response type item. Might wanna give it a go.  

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 4 replies
  • February 9, 2023

I have been on multiple sites now with forms that require basic tables as part of daily processes - in particular in manufacturing. This is a no-brainer from my point of view. 
@Paddy Bell 

Paddy Bell
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 82 replies
  • February 9, 2023

Thanks for this team! We’re getting some great insight about the power ‘tables’ could have to solve many customer problems ‘big and small’ keep the feedback coming!

John Smale
  • Starter
  • 2 replies
  • March 26, 2023

Hi Olly 

This is an awesome suggestion and would be extremely powerful if implemented - thanks Olly for bringing it up, it was in the back of my mind for a while. 

If I could make some suggestions for consideration

  • The tables inside an inspection template could be configured just like ‘repeating sections’  except the user can select if they are displayed ‘horizontally’ rather than vertically as is the case now
  • The user can add automatic numbering to each row to help with identification 
  • The user could specify if they want to display the table on a separate page, as an appendix and the page orientation (Portrait or Landscape) and potentially page size (A4, A3)
  • The header row columns contain the field names which repeats automatically if the table runs over a page. 
  • Completed tables (including their values) are able to be exported to excel from the completed inspection report (which may then be reimported into other parts of the system e.g. Assets, Risks/Opportunity Registers once available)
  • Users can edit table entries in a ‘grid view’ similar to Sharepoint 
  • Users can raise actions linked to an individual row or the overall table 

I acknowledge that you would need to put some limits on number of fields and the width of the table and there is some complexities around page breaks + formatting but the above would be really useful to:

  • Provides an alternative way to view information captured by repeating sections and makes it much easier to compare results/rows at a glance (rather than vertically which requires report consumers to scroll vertically a lot)
  • Support task based risk assessments or SWMS to be developed and exported in a format that better aligns with industry practice 

Once you start to go down the path of using this table feature for SWMS or Risk Assessments, additional consideration will then need to be given to:

  • Enabling users to configure and then select from a matrix (likelihood/probability and consequence/impact) 
  • Enable users to select from global response sets such as hazards or controls
  • Enabling SUM/Formula capability + conditional formatting for columns  

I appreciate there’s probably a bit to unpack here but thanks for considering my suggestion!


  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • March 28, 2023

I think tables could be useful as a formatting tool for sections (regardless of being repeat or not).  Within a section header field of the template editor, a toggle could be added to “present as a table.”  If on, the questions inside the section could be displayed as column headers (left to right in the order that the questions are in the editor top to bottom), with a row below that for the responses.  Perhaps it’s even a user option (or a user option if the section has the setting turned on to allow it).  If it’s a repeat section, you are essentially adding a new row when you click the green “+” but the questions don’t need to be repeated because they are already in the header row.

I see some challenges with this though:

  • Horizontal space will be limited so you would need to limit the number of questions allowed in the section.  On a phone, it will be really hard to display unless rotated to landscape. Your question text would be wrapped quite a bit.
  • If you add a lot of repeat sections, you could have so many rows that you can’t see the header row (questions) any longer, unless it is made to “lock to the top” as you scroll down where the header hits the top of the screen, then moves out of the way if you scroll enough to get past the last row of the table.



Could you give some examples on how you will be using tables @Olly @John Smale @Corey?

I use repetitive sections, every field representing a row. The downside I can imagine now is the view for the end user, they’ll have to scroll up and down to see the previous answers, if needed.

For that a button at the end of the latest repetitive section, as an example, that shows you an image of the data so far collected in the repetitive sections, questions as column headers and responses as values. This could have a limit of 6 columns (set a number of columns that can be show in all devices with no space issues) as a norm showing the firs 6 questions but be able to customise what questions we would like to show.

In relation to extracting data, we did have some issues at the beginning but now I extract the data from Power BI and convert it into a table, easy table format.

Now, being able to add instructions and questions fields in a table format that is interesting for us just as@Macy do we also attach tables in PDF/Image we find it really helpful.

  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • April 17, 2023

In my case it’s more of allowing the inspector or template editor (as a toggled option that is allowed or display default) to present a set of questions in a non-vertical manner.  Sometimes sections, especially when repeat, can get lengthy and confusing as to which you’re on if you scroll up or down.

For example, if I have a repeat section for “Doors” and my questions are “Is the bottom seal intact?,” “Is the window broken?,” “Is it locked?,” “Is it clean?”.  If I added 20 doors, I have 20 sets of repeat questions.  If you toggle the table option, those 4 questions become column headers left to right, and the 20 doors become rows.  I am no longer repeating the questions 20 times so it is a smaller, easier to see format.  I think the toggle to turn off table view should still exist.

Julian TFM
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  • April 18, 2023

I have a similar issue to Corey, and both our inspectors and end users of the final report find the fact that the linear repeated questions can’t be converted into a table, quite frustrating. The fact that we are repeating questions for different area/departments means that a potential 1 page section is appearing over 4 pages. 

Corey wrote:

In my case it’s more of allowing the inspector or template editor (as a toggled option that is allowed or display default) to present a set of questions in a non-vertical manner.  Sometimes sections, especially when repeat, can get lengthy and confusing as to which you’re on if you scroll up or down.

For example, if I have a repeat section for “Doors” and my questions are “Is the bottom seal intact?,” “Is the window broken?,” “Is it locked?,” “Is it clean?”.  If I added 20 doors, I have 20 sets of repeat questions.  If you toggle the table option, those 4 questions become column headers left to right, and the 20 doors become rows.  I am no longer repeating the questions 20 times so it is a smaller, easier to see format.  I think the toggle to turn off table view should still exist.


Julian TFM wrote:

I have a similar issue to Corey, and both our inspectors and end users of the final report find the fact that the linear repeated questions can’t be converted into a table, quite frustrating. The fact that we are repeating questions for different area/departments means that a potential 1 page section is appearing over 4 pages. 



Oh I see now. This is actually something very useful, we would allow the inspector/auditor see the responses from receptive section together, this will be way more easy to read than having the info all over the pages. Yes, I upvote for this!

Matt Roche
  • Speaker
  • 28 replies
  • May 18, 2023

 I really like this idea. It would save us heaps of time where we need to collect a number of figures or subsamples for a question e.g. How much water was collected in container 1A, 1B, 1C etc. This is a pain entering them as individual questions, let alone how it looks in the report.

Matt Roche
  • Speaker
  • 28 replies
  • August 17, 2023

As I went to edit a template, I just gave up and am going to have to go back to using Excel and have the auditor switch between programs. Below is a single task for measuring the water flow (output) of an irrigation system. To capture this data I need to ask 41 questions.

We would love to have the ability to be able to capture this data in Safety Culture.


  • Starter
  • 2 replies
  • October 5, 2023

yes - this feature would be great so we can do tables such as this


  • Starter
  • 2 replies
  • October 5, 2023


Annagiusti8 wrote:


Could you give some examples on how you will be using tables @Olly @John Smale @Corey?

I use repetitive sections, every field representing a row. The downside I can imagine now is the view for the end user, they’ll have to scroll up and down to see the previous answers, if needed.

For that a button at the end of the latest repetitive section, as an example, that shows you an image of the data so far collected in the repetitive sections, questions as column headers and responses as values. This could have a limit of 6 columns (set a number of columns that can be show in all devices with no space issues) as a norm showing the firs 6 questions but be able to customise what questions we would like to show.

In relation to extracting data, we did have some issues at the beginning but now I extract the data from Power BI and convert it into a table, easy table format.

Now, being able to add instructions and questions fields in a table format that is interesting for us just as@Macy do we also attach tables in PDF/Image we find it really helpful.

I’m back to say, yes, we NEED TABLES 😅 Upvote from me!

  • Starter
  • 1 reply
  • July 19, 2024

Agreed on the table template which allow more flexible design over the templates and edit experience. We appreciate this could be roll out soon.



  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • August 22, 2024
NewUnder consideration

Karen Starr
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 55 replies
  • November 19, 2024

Hey Everyone!


This is an awesome thread, with some great ideas. Is anyone open to jumping on a call with our product team to discuss use cases further? We are currently scoping up what a solution could look like - and your feedback is invaluable as we move forward.


If you are open to a call, please respond to this thread or send me an email at


Thanks :)

  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • November 20, 2024

I would be interested in discussing.

  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • December 16, 2024
Under considerationPlanned

  • Starter
  • 1 reply
  • March 10, 2025

Hi Bianca, do you have an update on the above implementation suggestion. We are holding subscription licences for multiple applications, due to tables not being available.

  • Speaker
  • 25 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Hi ​@Bianca.Taylor ​@Karen Starr 
Any update on this?

We would love to use tables for requesting accident data from contractors (example below) 

  2025 2024 2023
Near Misses      
Total Employee Work Days      
Total Employees      


Or logging vibration usage:

Tool Used Vibration Rating Hours Minutes Total Vibration Points


  • Starter
  • 5 replies
  • March 17, 2025

I’d love an update on this too. 
We’re not premium subscribers yet, and as it turns out this functionality is a significant missing feature for us when we consider jumping ship from other software.

We have heaps of templates that our staff complete in which tables are used - for example, I have one risk assessment template in which staff are asked:

“Please list any and all students with medical needs below.”

Student name: Medical need/condition: Medication required:
Robert Blogovich ADHD Ritalin 10mg 1x daily (12pm)
Gerald McBoingBoing Diabetes Insulin managed by pump

Having the ability to enter this information into a table, and add new rows as required, would be huge for us.  Essentially all of our templates in other formats use tables like this, in varying complexities - so whether this feature is arriving soon or not could actually be quite instrumental in our choice to become premium subscribers, or may force us not to (as our subscription to other software runs out soon, and we can’t really jump ship to something that doesn’t quite meet our needs).


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