Add questions to template from a question list

Related products: Templates

We have a long list of different questions, which I use to build my templates, so I’m not asking the same questions each year. Additionally, some of the questions would be the same for each business unit and I would like to make sure, that the question is the same. For this, I would like to have the list of questions somewhere in SafetyCulture and be able to select and add single/multiple questions to the template I’m working on.

Hi @Cornelia thanks so much for reaching out! 

Have you tried out our Global Response Sets feature? This could likely help solve for the use case you’ve described above. I’ll link to an article about Global Response Sets below.

Hi @Paddy Bell ,

Thanks for the suggestion, I actually use GRS in our templates, but I don’t think that it helps with my use case. Perhaps I haven’t quite understood the correct use of it.

My excel looks like this

Question Answer Unit
What are the most important points of our quality policy? Apples, Peaches, Bananas all
Where do you look for templates if you want to approach a new customer? Process “New Customer” Sales
Can you show me an example of a proof of training for a employee
  • available
  • required filing location


If I create a new template for an HR audit, I might want to include questions 1 and 3 into the template. The answers are done in grades ( 1 - 4, this is done with a GRS), i.e. I usually don’t use the answer column of the excel in the audit template.

That would be a new idea - showing the sample solution in the template for new auditors… 🤔

The idea is the same as with GRS - if I change question 1 in the global set, all templates using this question will also be changed. The difference ist, that I need the Questions, not the responses, i.e. a GQS instead of a GRS.