We love the new Assets feature in SafetyCulture, but the use cases we have in our organisation mean that the current functionality limits how we want to use Assets in Inspections.
An Asset may only be a question on the Title page of an inspection, and the Asset type question can only be used once.
Our idea is that multiple assets can be used on any inspection, and also anywhere else in the inspection, not only the Title Page.
For example, we have an Accident Investigation Report, which has multiple pages. Page 3 includes all of the relevant Vehicles, Plant, Tools, Equipment etc, which were involved in the event, and so this means we cannot utilise the Assets feature here.
Our workaround is to use the API to create Global Response Sets, but this can be time-consuming to setup and maintain, as well as meaning we have to complete other details of the Vehicles, Plant, Tools, Equipment in adjoining questions, which generally are text fields, and so we lose the functionality to run proper root cause analysis.
We would still expect the functionality whereby an Asset Question can be locked to a particular type.