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Signature support in training course lessons

Related products:Training


Is there any way to create a signature response within an individual training lesson? We are using the training feature as part of our forklift training program. Employees or potential employees do not have and email address, so we are using a generic login to provide access to the material. This requires a way for us to be able to identify the user that has performed the training successfully.


SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • August 24, 2023

Hi @lstocker713 👋🏼

Currently, it’s not possible to create a signature slide in training courses, but that’s a great use case there, so I’ll go ahead and convert this question post to an idea so it’s on our team’s radar :) 

For now, as a workaround, you can consider creating a template with an “Inspection date” and a “Signature” question to capture these records. If your employees or potential employees take the training on the web app, you can also consider using deep links to take them straight to the template for a new inspection (sadly mobile app deep links aren’t supported in courses as links right now).

I’ve also uploaded a short recording of how it works HERE on a shared drive – hope this helps!


Thank you so much for the input. I am able to use the workaround and it works beautifully for what I am looking for. Much appreciated.

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • August 29, 2023

Glad the workaround helped @lstocker713! 😄

  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • August 21, 2024
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