Allow users to select multiple labels for an action

Related products: Actions

It would be great if users could categorize actions using multiple labels. It is possible for something to be say both a chemical control issue and general house keeping issue.


In my organization I would also be interested in being able to things that are only food safety related. For example, building maintenance could be a squeaking door but that is not exactly critical for food safety, but if there are holes in the wall of my storage building, then I would want to be able to track that and so it would have the labels of “Food Safety” and “Building Maintenance”

Hey @Broc Reed 👋

Thank you for the note and suggestion, I love the idea. 

Its something we are discussing currently, we absolutely see the value in this! I would say this is a matter of when and not if we extend this functionality to be a one:many relationship.

Can I ask how you use this label data downstream, do you analyse your task data via label to see where you need to pay particular attention?  

I have had requests for multiple label selections on Actions, as well as the ability to have sub labels.  For example, if we pick food safety, a sub label could be pest control, food defense, chemical control, etc.  I suppose a multi-select might work, but that means we’d need to find the higher level label and the sub label in this case where we may want to roll up all food safety actions regardless of the sub type.  In other cases, like Broc, we may “cross” types such as a food defense issue could also be a maintenance action.

Hi @James Bell 


We have a goal to reduce the number of repeated nonconformances that are found each month during our Food Safety audits of the facility and use the label feature to quickly sort and filter the types of nonconformances such as chemical control, building maintenance, pest control, etc.


There are a number of ways that I can use multiple labels to help me create even more compartmentalized assessments of our food safety program. For example, I would like to be able to choose “Chemical Control” and “Aseptic Department” that way I knew how many nonconformances a specific department had in relation to chemical control.



Thank you @Broc Reed and @Corey 

Really interesting to hear the ideas for future improvements of labels and how these would benefit your businesses. 


Hi @James Bell,

Just checking in if there has been any more thought on the ability to use multiple Labels. This feature would provide a really great way of managing Actions across multiple reporting internal and external reporting requirements. The current structure of Safety Culture provides a lot of Control and filtering based in Inspections / Issue Categories / Sites and Assets as One-to-One

Multiple labels would really help as a One to Many ways of filtering all Actions for day to day management purposes but also compliance reporting for our Aviation Safety Management System and multiple other stakeholders.