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Document + media library

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    RV P. I.

Nigel Arnold

Have a place in the system where you can store documents /media for when the media is used in several inspections as an instruction.

This would prevent having to update many inspections if the document / media changes .

Document Library. This can be a selection when adding the media for the instruction.

7 replies

Bec Cooper
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 30 replies
  • June 29, 2023

Hi @Nigel Arnold thanks so much for providing this feedback. It’s actually something we have recently been discussing although don’t have immediate plans to implement. In saying that, I’d love to understand a little more around the use case for using the same media on multiple templates?

Also, is there media you would reuse elsewhere in the SafetyCulture platform?


Some examples we have been thinking about:

  • Assets may have the same operating manual for multiple assets that you could reuse rather than upload each time (E.g. you may have 100 of the same type of truck with the same documentation needed to be stored against it.)
  • Logos may be used on training, report layouts and in templates and these may need to be updated if a logo is changed within a business 


Would love to hear if you have some other examples! (And anyone else who may come across this thread)

Nigel Arnold

Correct with manuals regarding assets etc.

We have inspection checklists for task specific jobs, where a procedure may be attached as an instruction. For instance, an isolation procedure may be attached as an instruction and  when using logic, if ask questions etc, you may need to attach the instruction/media in several locations for the one inspection. 

  • Starter
  • 4 replies
  • August 11, 2023

Great idea.
For us it all comes down to Document Management which is a gap in SC.

One of the reasons we’ve not added documents in templates is it would be difficult to make changes on several templates if there is a change in the document. We have several organizations, each with template differences, so it is difficult to remember all the places where a change has to be made. We currently open and check each template when making general changes and this can take a long time.

Documents to be attached would be:
- equipment manuals / troubleshooting quides that apply to a piece of equipment used in multiple locations at a site, or for all sites in the organization
- example photos e.g. this is what the merchandising display should look like, here is an equipment layout diagram
- copies of sections of the OHS Act for reference i.e. to show the auditor where the question/template originates in the Act(s)
- supporting documents similar to sections of the act, but relevant to give the auditor context e.g. an auditor may need to explain to the site manager “why” a question/template is required and will need quick access to a supporting document while doing the audit on site
- some equipment need to be numbered and indicated on a separate list, an example of such a document can be added to a question for reference e.g. Fire Fighting Equipment location & numbering list. I.e. site can download the example document to create their own, specific to that site.
- other questions refer to lists of items that are prescribed and require a printed copy to be made available e.g. First Aid Box content. Obviously the items are listed as questions in the template, but a content list also needs to be printed (hard copy) and kept with the First Aid kit. The content list can be added to the First Aid box inspection, First Aider appointment letter, general H&S audit.

However, all the above can be done by simply adding the document as an Instruction, but being able to change 1 document and then have it change wherever it is linked would be great.

Another benefit would be if the documents can be managed separately in a document module and assigned to a site. We currently tried to use Assets to do this, but obviously not working 100%.

A document can be created similar to global response sets or inspection response sets. I.e. there are documents used across the organization in different templates, and documents only used at specific sites.

The document e.g. Fire Fighting Equipment Number & Location List (if available for a specific site) should be linked to a specific site i.e. Site A’s list of fire extinguishers, their number and where they are located. This would be used in combination with a template that has repeatable sections so the auditor can check the Number list and repeat the section based on the number on their list. 

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 177 replies
  • December 4, 2023
The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

  • Speaker
  • 260 replies
  • December 8, 2023

Looking forward to the new “Resources” feature.  I hope it incorporates media and documents added in template information fields, added to Assets, added to course briefcases, and added to lessons.  A single source place to assign access to files for access in a separate Resource library and virtually link them everywhere else in the platform as a single-source to re-use and update them would be fantastic.  Permissions would have to apply be default (as a minimum) to whatever permissions were set on the item they were added to (course, template, asset, etc.).  This would be a big advantage to us considering using SC for training and document management.

If an approval process, optional by document category and customizable as to whom reviews/approves, was added, it would be even better!

  • Starter
  • 2 replies
  • June 24, 2024

It’s great to see that this idea was implemented. 

I’ve a couple of items of feedback for the media library - 

  1. The ability to stop signatures entered in inspections from becoming part of the media library. 
  2. The ability to filter by site (and site groupings)

  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • August 21, 2024
NewPlanned feature


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