I regularly export the “User List” to CSV from the “Users” page to see who is actively using their account or verify users by site/group. Sometimes I need additional information to determine seat usage by activity type or troubleshoot device issues. I then need to reach out to my CSM for output she’s able to get. While I appreciate she can do that, it would be easier if I could get all those details whenever I wanted.
I would keep these columns already in the output, but adjust the header name and formatting a bit:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Status
- Last Seen (date time instead of UTC stamp with T in the middle, milliseconds and z at the end - Excel can’t handle that natively)
- Seat Type
- Groups
- Sites
I would add these columns (slightly adjusted from what the CSM can provide):
- Full Name
- User Created Date
- Last Active (date time)
- Days Since Last Active
- Total Products
- Currently Conducting Inspections
- Currently Using Actions
- Currently Using Issues
- Currently Using Heads Up
- Templates Owned
- Inspections Started
- Inspections Completed
- Actions Created
- Issues Created
- Heads Up Created
- Last Seen Platform Type
- Last Seen Mobile Device Type
- Last Seen Mobile Operating System
- Last Seen Mobile App Version
- Last Seen Desktop Device Type
- Last Seen Desktop Operating System
- Mobile Last Seen (date time)
I would remove these columns from the current CSV since they belong better in an output from groups/sites pages:
- group_ids
- site_ids