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Make "Required" option for repeat sections more discoverable

Related products:Inspections
  • Corey
  • Camille


We have inspections where if the answer to a question is YES, then the user needs to add data for a set  of questions in a repeatable section for each device.

The questions within the section are set “Required” but the “Adding” of the section cannot be marked as mandatory.

Can the section ADD be made to be required so we do not miss data?


Pinned reply

August 25, 2023

I was not aware that a “required” toggle was added - thanks!  However, please re-open this idea or split.

Required:  Once people know the “required” toggle is there, it is likely going to become commonly used. However, with it buried in a “...” menu, a lot of people are likely unaware it exists or will forget about it.  It should be moved to the main header next to the “repeat this section.” I realize it only appears when repeat is toggled on, but it could behave the same way if moved out of the menu.

Min/Max:  Additionally, not having a “min” and “max” number of repeats is VERY limiting.  We frequently have too many or not enough repeat sections added, defeating the purpose of them except in rare cases when the number will vary. By controlling if the user should add a certain number of them (at least and/or no more than), we ensure they fully understand the inspection purpose and have completed it properly.

12 replies

  • Speaker
  • 21 replies
  • May 31, 2023

I believe you can just pull the repeated section into the logic for yes and make the questions required in the repeating section it would look like this  



  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • May 31, 2023
ldutton wrote:

I believe you can just pull the repeated section into the logic for yes and make the questions required in the repeating section it would look like this  



Unfortunately, this does not work because by default the repeat section starts with + without the first set of questions added until the user clicks + the first time.

I’ll second this request, with a tweak.  The point of a repeat section is that you will either add none or more than 1.  If it’s always 1 set of questions, you would not do it as a repeat section and would just put a set of required questions.  Rather than just being able to require an entire repeat section, it would revolutionize how we do things if we could have a MIN and MAX number of repeats they need to add.  If you need to require them to add at least 1, you can put 1.  If you need them to repeat 37 times (such as if you had 37 doors), you can put the MIN at 37 and the MAX at 37.  If you don’t need to require it, leave it at 0.

  • Author
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  • 12 replies
  • June 2, 2023
Corey wrote:
ldutton wrote:

I believe you can just pull the repeated section into the logic for yes and make the questions required in the repeating section it would look like this  



Unfortunately, this does not work because by default the repeat section starts with + without the first set of questions added until the user clicks + the first time.

I’ll second this request, with a tweak.  The point of a repeat section is that you will either add none or more than 1.  If it’s always 1 set of questions, you would not do it as a repeat section and would just put a set of required questions.  Rather than just being able to require an entire repeat section, it would revolutionize how we do things if we could have a MIN and MAX number of repeats they need to add.  If you need to require them to add at least 1, you can put 1.  If you need them to repeat 37 times (such as if you had 37 doors), you can put the MIN at 37 and the MAX at 37.  If you don’t need to require it, leave it at 0.


I really like the idea to be able to add a define “#” qty of repeated questions rather than clicking the “+” button for the amount required.


Q - How many repeat[s) do you need ?

A - 3

Result :-

Repeat 1 - Q1

Repeat 1 - Q2

Repeat 1 - Q3

Repeat 2 - Q1

Repeat 2 - Q2

Repeat 2 - Q3

Repeat 3 - Q1

Repeat 3 - Q2

Repeat 4 - Q3

etc etc etc...

  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • June 2, 2023

I would still want the user to click + for each one, so they can answer the set for the repeat they are on at the moment and not get confused.  We often use repeat sections for things that happen over time and work within an inspection throughout the shift/day, so they click + to add one at the time they are about to do that set of questions.  But with a Min/Max option, you get a ton of flexibility:

  • Leave min and max empty = do not have to add any and have no restrictions (functions like today)
  • Set a min and leave max empty = have to add at least that many but no upper restriction
  • Set a max and leave min empty = do not have to add any but have an upper restriction
  • Set a different min and a max = have to add at least that many but have an upper restriction
  • Set the same min and max = have to add that exact number before it’s considered complete

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 177 replies
  • August 25, 2023

Hey @Elmleigh @Corey 👋🏼 

It’s been a while since the last comment on this idea, but I realised that it’s something that should be possible already 👀

You can set a repeat section to be Required from the more menu, so that it has to be repeated at least once in an inspection.

Although the additional logic both of you have discussed is not possible right now, I hope the current functionality addresses your immediate needs :)

I’ll close the idea for now, but please let me know if you’d like to keep this open for the additional logic that’s been discussed 👍🏼

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 177 replies
  • August 25, 2023
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  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • August 25, 2023
Pinned reply

I was not aware that a “required” toggle was added - thanks!  However, please re-open this idea or split.

Required:  Once people know the “required” toggle is there, it is likely going to become commonly used. However, with it buried in a “...” menu, a lot of people are likely unaware it exists or will forget about it.  It should be moved to the main header next to the “repeat this section.” I realize it only appears when repeat is toggled on, but it could behave the same way if moved out of the menu.

Min/Max:  Additionally, not having a “min” and “max” number of repeats is VERY limiting.  We frequently have too many or not enough repeat sections added, defeating the purpose of them except in rare cases when the number will vary. By controlling if the user should add a certain number of them (at least and/or no more than), we ensure they fully understand the inspection purpose and have completed it properly.

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 177 replies
  • August 25, 2023

No worries @Corey! Let me reopen this with rewording to making Required more discoverable, and create a new one on the minimum and maximum repeat sections :)

SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 177 replies
  • August 25, 2023
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SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 177 replies
  • August 25, 2023

I’ve created the following idea @Corey 👍🏼


  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • August 22, 2024
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  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • August 22, 2024
Bianca.Taylor wrote:
NewNot planned

It’s unfortunate that this is not considered.  Having min/max number of times a repeat section should be added would be really powerful to ensure things are not skipped.  That are scenarios where you need to add at least a certain amount, others where you need to add a specific amount, and others where the user should not be able to add more than a certain amount. Just requiring the repeat section does not solve that.


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