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Under consideration

Risk Assessment Features

Related products:Templates

Matthew McDonough

We would love some risk assessment functions/tools in templates. Needs the ability to set our own risk matrix (below), risk impact/consequence index and are linked to the new calculation function, which should be expanded to include calculations using multiple choice responses (when scoring is turned on) & the slider. 



11 replies

  • Speaker
  • 262 replies
  • May 17, 2023

A “matrix” style response type would be awesome.  I’m sure you could use it for more than just a risk assessment too. You would need the ability to setup the values for the X and Y axis. By default it could assume the bottom left corner is 0 and automatically increase by 1 as you move left to right and bottom to top to calculate the multiplied score.  The max score can be used to weight the whole question if needed.  Perhaps color shading is automatic by choosing the color for the bottom left, center, and top right, and it does a gradient scale to fill in the rest.

Paddy Bell
SafetyCulture Crew
  • SafetyCulture Crew
  • 82 replies
  • May 18, 2023

Hi @Matthew McDonough thank you for raising this!

While the current automatic calculations feature is confined to numbered questions only, it will be possible to extend our new calculations engine, for example sliding scale and multiple choice questions types as you’ve suggested. 

While we don’t have a specific time frame of when we will commit to more extensions of automatic calculation, it’s very useful for us to hear this feedback from you so we know the demand is out there! 



  • Speaker
  • 218 replies
  • May 1, 2024

I have been using SC for 12 years and this was one of the first things I asked for.


Still not in place and given the name Safety Culture and the fact that universally most companies assess risk with a scoring mechanism or 🚦 traffic light system that may include a matrix.


This should be a priority and default for SC as this links directly with any tasks that must have controls and it would also simplify process.


If a matrix where it was automated where choice was available by pressing on the number on the matrix for severity and likelihood then without controls being applied this would be a barrier on the system.


So not just about the RA but the overall system.


Cannot enthuse enough how important this is in simplifying and having RAMS within SC as this removes a separate assessment currently done outside SC.


Can we get an update about this as it is a repeat item and given been asking for 12 years then it should really be part of the SC family.


Like may other on here like probably Corey I am more than happy to give my thoughts and advice on what is needed.


B rice
  • Starter
  • 2 replies
  • May 1, 2024
Matthew McDonough wrote:

We would love some risk assessment functions/tools in templates. Needs the ability to set our own risk matrix (below), risk impact/consequence index and are linked to the new calculation function, which should be expanded to include calculations using multiple choice responses (when scoring is turned on) & the slider. 



Hi @Matthew McDonough is that you brahj?

  • Speaker
  • 218 replies
  • May 1, 2024

I assume your quick reply means that this is urgent pal.


SC really need to put this to bed...

  • Speaker
  • 218 replies
  • May 3, 2024

Can someone at SC feedback about RAMS templates that can be general to dynamic in a traffic light system and matrix effect.


This has been asked for hundreds of times now I am sure and is a key simplicity step to inclusion of std safety assessments and legal compliance....


This should be marked as a “Planned Feature” by now!?

I am getting to the point where my loyalty to this platform is being tested. If SafetyCulture have the ambition to take on the EHS software market then this is a core feature. For the price we pay on the annual subscription, tell me why I shouldn’t move to a solution that has all of the modules a modern H&S practitioner needs for the same price? Even harder when subscription cost has risen considerably this year and it seems it’s not being invested in the right places. What keeps me on this platform is the ease of use and the user experience. So please, stop focusing on Training and Credentials and give the community what we really want:

  • Use an Asset anywhere in an Inspection
  • Add a ‘People’ question type that allows the User List to be used in an Inspection for trend analysis and reduction of Admin time
  • Add the much-needed “Incident module” - Workflows for assigning sections of an investigation and sign off, locked to the assignee including ‘Legally Privileged’ sections only viewable by certain user groups
  • Risk Assessments and Risk Register
  • Contractor Management
  • Document Management

  • Speaker
  • 218 replies
  • May 8, 2024

I think this defo needs to be looked at ASAP as per the thread and similar threads.


By virtue of Safety Culture meaning.



Safety culture is a combination of the attitudes, values and perceptions that influence how something is actually done in the workplace, rather than how it should be done.


Then to arrive at this it starts with an assessment that includes perception to alter and maintain control to given indicators and parameters.


If we do not assess and understand the risks and the control measure required then as an organisation with activities that include personnel and equipment and other related activities, then we are not in a Defensible Position, when something goes wrong.

It is also a legal responsibility in most countries to apply communicated, trained and other controls that mitigate the risk to a perceived tolerable level. 

Below is what many Main and Blue Chip contractors expect companies to assess against or to,in a similar manner to show they have suitable controls in place.



THe above image is a way that an Org or sub-contractor can assess and put the controls in place not only for their activities but also for any effect they may have on other work parties.


THe above image or similar ones with Matrices, are a understood way of assessing and managing risk.

Again most personnel on construction sites and undertaking risk retained work and activities are not employees so their company or organisations will require to show demonstrable proof of risk mitigation.


This is normally by submitting RAMS.
RA -Risk Assessment

MS- Method Statement (Sequence of work related activities)




Please be aware that if SC take this onboard and integrate then it is the Basis for an Health and Safety Management System.

It could if done very astutely also be linked to templates, inspections,issues, heads up, SC training, Contractors and Inductions (when these 2 come online)

Then the actions and the gaps can be related to the RAMS that are then systematically updated, communicated and the aspect of competent people can also start to be on the horizon for addressing.

If SC really go to town then the RA matrix / feature could also be an activation trigger for what is required at the induction and RAMS acceptance process.


Example if a person is signing up to RAMS that require certain training or other competencies then this is a linked trigger / requirement.


The RAMS then become autonomous.


Ta John 

  • Learner
  • 8 replies
  • May 13, 2024

An active matrix that can be clicked by the person conducting an assessment would be soooooo helpful.

Have two templates and added the matrix as an image in the instruction but it doesn’t cover what it really needs to be, an active matrix.

  • Learner
  • 4 replies
  • May 13, 2024
gary.thistlethwaite wrote:

This should be marked as a “Planned Feature” by now!?

I am getting to the point where my loyalty to this platform is being tested. If SafetyCulture have the ambition to take on the EHS software market then this is a core feature. For the price we pay on the annual subscription, tell me why I shouldn’t move to a solution that has all of the modules a modern H&S practitioner needs for the same price? Even harder when subscription cost has risen considerably this year and it seems it’s not being invested in the right places. What keeps me on this platform is the ease of use and the user experience. So please, stop focusing on Training and Credentials and give the community what we really want:

  • Use an Asset anywhere in an Inspection
  • Add a ‘People’ question type that allows the User List to be used in an Inspection for trend analysis and reduction of Admin time
  • Add the much-needed “Incident module” - Workflows for assigning sections of an investigation and sign off, locked to the assignee including ‘Legally Privileged’ sections only viewable by certain user groups
  • Risk Assessments and Risk Register
  • Contractor Management
  • Document Management


  • Former SafetyCulture Crew
  • 553 replies
  • August 23, 2024
NewUnder consideration


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