In Edapps when looking for certificates…
At the moment i cannot look at an individual person and download these.
I have to look at a course and view / download them, which by the way is great.
However sometime when we are verifying, auditing individuals within our company i would like to see all the person certificates that can be downloaded.
This also applies in the SC training portal.
Although the course info is great for user and completions etc this addition would improve the verifying and checking process.
Again in Edapps, if we are challenged to produce information about completion for individuals this is time consuming.
Surely in the SC time to prevent this drag there is a plan to be able to view all certs together?
Or and download these as required.
We are audited and accredited which means at regular intervals we have to prove training and competency.
If we were to take this a step further and have the ability to share a view only area that our main contractor when auditing us could see then this again would streamline the process and also add the confidence to them in our supply chain.
Ta Jonny