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Will there be an update where I could customize the title of the report to more extent than we have now.

We have multiple types of reports that are assigned to each asset or site but when exporting the report as a PDF they all have similar titles and could easily be mixed up.

I know I can create a question on the title page where a technician needs to explain what kind of report he is filling out but it would be nice to be able to skip that step.

Hey @hordurfannar thanks for your question! So that I can report back to you, are you able to share an example of how you’d ideally like to customise the title? Feel free to share a screenshot or whatever will help showcase your desired format. I will check in with our Product team in the meantime about where things stand on expanding the reporting title capabilities 👍


I think this is deffo on another thread from. Corey, myself and others. 

Thanks for flagging Jonny! Agreed - there are definitely a few requests surrounding titles! Just want to make I am across exactly what @hordurfannar wants to achieve, so we can direct to the right idea or create a new one 👍



Thank you both for the replies.

I have multiple types of reports that can be linked to the same assets and the titles of the report can get confusing.

Usually I have been setting each title of the report as <Site-Asset-Date-Job number> but when 2 different reports (service report and cleaning report) are being made for one asset then the report title comes out identical and it’s difficult to tell the difference between which report is what.


I have solved this with a global response set on the Title page that is required to fill out, with responses that correspond to the report (for example “Cleaning report”) and then I can have the title set as <Cleaning report-Site-Asset-Date-Job number>.


I was just wondering if there would be in the future an option to make a custom text in the Inspection title format that is fixed for the template that is being used.

In the title page if you give an option for the report type

Add this as a  response set or label field. 

Then in the report view 2nd tab choose the layout and view and for the logic or question in the title add this.


Then when the report is one or the other then this will show in the report. 

In the title page if you give an option for the report type

Add this as a  response set or label field. 

Then in the report view 2nd tab choose the layout and view and for the logic or question in the title add this.


Then when the report is one or the other then this will show in the report. 


Thank you for this answer.


This is similar how I have set up our reports for now, and it works for sure.

I have also put custom words into the document number and added that question to the title.  For example, if it’s a forklift asset and there is a daily OSHA inspection and a monthly inspection, you could have Document Number = Forklift OSHA Hnumber] for one and Forklift Monthly lnumber] for the other template.
