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Hey everyone, Ollie here.

Some of my team members are on free seats and they said they can’t conduct inspections anymore? I checked one of your support articles and I wanted to know a bit more about the “3 lifetime inspections limit”.

Hey mate, nice to e-meet you! : ) 

From my understanding, your team members who are using free seats will only ever be able to conduct three inspections until they upgrade to full seats. I’ve found that I can start inspections from my full seat account and just get them to continue the inspections I’ve started - that seems to be a good workaround so far for me. 

Yeah, just to add on to what @Oscar Hindley mentioned, it’s up to 3 inspections for as long as they’re in a free seat.

Once a user in a free seat reaches that limit, they won’t be able to conduct anymore inspections until their seat type is changed to a full seat.

Ahh great stuff, thank you my online SC friends.