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When giving view only access to dash boards and then sharing a dashboard.
Persons still have the ability to change certain aspects of the custom dashboard.


We are looking / wanting to share so they can only view and cannot change the filters.

This is a problem because when we tested this the personnel x3 that could access to view started to change the filters etc and this rendered the dashboard insufficient from what we were looking for as view only info.


Any advice on how we can amend this to lock off the view would be appreciated?

Hey @jonnyg,

Thanks for reaching out!


Just to confirm if it’s missing functionality or a bug on our end, are you saying that “a user with `View Analytics` permission was able to permanently modify/edit the dashboard”?





I am saying in view mode for a custom dashboard the user with view access can change all the filters when viewing as per the image. 

So if I set up a dashboard that is specific. 

They can then view this and change via the filters etc which imo removes what we are aiming for. 


The KPIs will not then be correct of the title for the data matching the data. 


We wanted the ability for absolute view once the dashboards have been designed and in place. 

Hi @jonnyg,

Okay, I see what you mean. The ability for dashboard viewers to still change filters in view mode was an intentional design decision, it removes the strain from dashboard creators/admins to absolutely nail what each person might wanna see. You can still lock down access at the site/individual level.


I will be honest about this, we haven’t (yet) thought about locking down dashboards to view-only. It’s a new feature request, and I’ll take it back with the team to discuss further.


Appreciate your ideas, keep them coming!



How do I do that?


You can still lock down access at the site/individual level

Check out, it has detailed information on what you need for setting up specific types of dashboards.

Sneak-peek 👀


Will this also lock out the filters.
Slightly confused with the feedback and the link because it is not explicit and i do not want to spend hours building something only then for it not to be fit for purpose

It won’t lock down the filters on the charts in the view mode. But the data on the graphs will be restricted by the dashboard mode you select while editing/creating the dashboard.


  • Site-based dashboard - the viewer of this dashboard will only see data related to the sites they are a member of
  • Individual-based dashboard - the viewer of this dashboard will only see data related to their activity



I don't think it works as well as you say. 


I understand a site or a project can have many members for day to day and week to week smooth running with the data etc. 


However when setting this up as admin and also for personnel that are not members of each and every project but are making decisions for the company there needs to be visibility on data and KPIs that Org managers and directors etc can see without being members.


In the projects and sites we have I understand what you explaining as we need to limit the number of people with advances access. 


However we are trying to reduce and be precise with data for sites. So although sites view should work it does not


As admin when I was setting up I could not see some of the stats or information as I was not a site member. 


Therefore it in my opinion either does not work right or there is a setting that is not being applied or available. 


Having spoke to your chat advisors on many occasions either they are the system is not right or been communicated correctly



Imo there needs to be an option to lock. 

Agree with the custom options etc 

Also one for the sites, but something seems to be missing. 


On a separate point would also like to share the training matrix in view only to top tier management and other key personnel to ensure training is planned and fits withing the system. 


This is for SC training


SOPS and other aides including practical assessments.



As I mentioned earlier, it was a conscious decision to make chart filters configurable, but data limited based on the type of the dashboard selected.


The ability to lock in a dashboard for view-only is a new feature request, which we very much welcome. I’ll take this suggestion back to the team and we’ll give it the normal new feature request treatment.


Thanks for the suggestion, and keep the feedback coming!


