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Hi all, 

Is anyone else experiencing an issue whereby you edit an already opened action, and either update status or comment, and the SAVE button is then greyed out until you change one of the existing field items either to something else or back to how it was? Then I’m able to SAVE. 

Seems like a silly little bug/issue. 


Hi @BWright 

You don’t need to save if you are just adding an update - it does it automatically, from my experience. 

Once you’ve added the update just select the back button and the update is saved. 

I think the SAVE button is for when you actually make a change to the details or status.


Hi Tiffany, 

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately that is not the case as it remains greyed out when changing status and or updating comment.

Hi @BWright,


Engineer from the task team here.


Status changes, adding comment and media is auto-saved for you when you make an update to those fields, hence why the save button is greyed out. You will keep your changes when you back out of it.


On the other hand fields such as title, description, priority, etc are manual save and will make the save button available.


Feel free to reach out if you are running into any other issue with this.

Hi @BWright ,

Updates to the status and comments posted on an action are automatically submitted and should not need the Save button. I agree it gets confusing around which fields need to be saved and which don’t. Something we’re looking to fix :)