Our team is dedicated to enhancing the quality and standard of templates in the Public Library to support safer, more compliant businesses ✅
We are looking to partner with external organisations and industry experts to achieve this but we want to hear from our Community of Improvement Specialists, first 🚀

These are some insights we’re looking for ⤵️
Would you be more inclined to use ready-made templates from our free library if they had been created or vetted by an industry professional/body?
Is there any industry specific content you’d like to see in there, that would be valuable to your company and/or role? (e.g. a process that needs to meet a particular standard in food safety)
Are there any organisations / industry bodies / associations / experts you’d be interested in seeing content from?
To chat further about any ideas you might have, please reach out to us directly via community@safetyculture.com 💬