We use SafetyCulture to track damages to vehicles at certain locations on the vehicle, for example on the windscreen. For each damage we take a photo and then record the type of damage (e.g. “Scratch”, “Chip”, “Crack”) and then some metric depending on damage type (e.g. for the “Scratch” damage type we then ask the user to input the length of the scratch).
The windscreen could have multiple damages that need to be logged in this way and so a useful feature would be to allow the user to “Add another” or indicate “All damages Added” without needing to prescribe the number of damages (and therefore the number of questions in the template) in advance, which is unknown. “Add another” would allow the user to repeat the same question set to add another record of damage. “All damages Added” would allow the user to break the loop and move onto the next inspection area.
A workaround using existing features would be to use the slider response type and add logic to display the respective number of further questions based on the slider value. This is less than ideal because it requires the user to count the number of damages in advance and an upper limit needs to be specified on the slider.
Is there another way to do this?