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We have a sampling plan that involves adding to the number of quality inspections needed duing a production batch based on the percentage of poor quality products produced for that particular product. If that product has a high percentage of bad quality then production runs of that product will get an extra inspection.

Currently we get the list of poor quality articles from an outside system and imput them into an excel sheet that does the math and tells us if that product will get 1,2,3 or 4 inspections. 

It would be great to see something like this integrated with the system. For example based off of the answer to an inspection question (like what product is being produced) then it would repeat a section of questions the required number of times for that product.  

If anyone has found a way around this with the current system capibilities I would love to hear how you did it. 

Hey @Emily H. thanks for raising this! I am interested to learn a bit more about the system you’re currently using to identify the list of poor quality articles that informs the number of inspections - would you be happy to share the system incase I can speak with our dedicated integrations team internally about the best way to approach this? If this process were integrated into the system, what ideally would inform the number of repeat sections needed? I.e. a percentage range associated with number of quality inspections? Thanks Emily - looking forward to learning more! 

Not fully understanding everything with your query but there is a scoring mechanism with SC templates that should do this.


You just need to add the parameters to the logic.


Once calculated.

The logic result should then apply what is required.


It will not only make the process smoother but should allow you add the labels.


These can then be analysed / reviewed to show where / when you are getting problems.

The info that we have to retreive comes from several websites. Each production batch gets one inspection. If the product is on the list of 10 articles that has the worst quality from our supplier portal (returns to the store) it gets another inspection. Someone must go in and retreive this list because there are products on this list that we do not produce anymore so we must sort those items out. Then if there are open poor quality reports for that article from the store (another system called gbsj) that production run will get another inspection. Finally we consider our internal numbers @jonnyg . If a product is outside of its goal for good quality (internal quality inspections in SC) then that produciton run will get another additional inspeciton. So a production run can get 1-4 total inspections per batch. 

@Bianca.Taylor I believe that this will be too complicated with just the integrations but it is still possible that someone retreives the data and enters it into an excel doc once per month. Maybe it would be possible to integrate with this document so that it generates the approprate number of inspection sections depending on the product that is selected in the inspection. 

I think irrespective of a solution with SC or integrations you seem like some sort of solution is required as the steps and different systems although suitable comes across time heavy.


With the way that systems can now communicate as long as you have a way to link and simplify them I am sure a solution will be available.


When I get stumped and something is complex I try 2 things.


Brain storm the scenarios and ask what and why in reverse staring from where you have completed and then working back.


I also use a simple post it pad sticker area and colour code the problem and why and try to get to the solution.


The thing that is awkward is around your systems and requiring Excel first.

I would work in reverse to see if there is a way to get Excel from a / the system you use.


As I said it looks like you have a convoluted complex process.


Maybe use of logic based around what the website information is.

If you can import this so you have the info prior and it updates based upon the website info then maybe this could be linked as your starting point.


I think there will be a solution it just require time and thinking to understand the best way to get there.


Good luck.
