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I have started trialling the recurring training for annual refresher training. 

Is there anyway to see who, when and the lessons a user is scheduled against for recurring training? 

Hi Andrew,

I hope you’ve been well since our last call! I apologise for the delay in responding to you here. 

I’m glad to hear that you’re trying the feature out. After you have assigned learners recurring training, you can track progress for all learners in analytics. For instance, in the Performance Dashboard or Course Completion by User Report you can track the users enrolled in the course, the course due date, completion date and progress as well as a range of other metrics. 

Was there anything else that you expecting to see here? 

Thank you


Hi Giustina,

thanks for the response. It is all going well but I am finding it difficult to find the dates, names of learners and assigned lessons scheduled for recurring training. eg; I have a group of project managers who recently completed their health and safety refresher course and it is set up as recurring in 12 months. I can see the details on the completed course but would like to see details for scheduled training. 

Hi Andrew, 

Thank you for explaining it further. Would this be clearer if we added the following data points to analytics:

  • A label to show when a course is a recurring course and
  • the date that the course will next expire for a learner?

Many thanks


Hi Giustina,

That would be a great step forward.