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SC Community, I wanna hear your feedback on Heads Up!

Heads Up is an incredibly useful tool to many of our SafetyCulture customers but I want to understand how we can take it to the next level. What would make your organisations communication even more valuable and engaging? Where are there opportunities to improve Heads Up and what would unlock further potential for you and your organisation?

If you’ve got ideas in this space, please comment on this post to start the discussion. 


Firstly, such a great function, we use it all the time.

I would like the ability to more easily remove people who have been allocated heads up, but for one reason or another have not acknowledged the heads up, leaving the heads up as incomplete. Ideally this function would be added to the manage heads uip function, so along with the reminder an option to remove people form the heads up would be great. This would allow me to move 99 % of the heads up’s into complete.

Having scheduling ability with heads up would be a great addition, like scheduling inspections but instead heads up. There are a lot of cases where this would be very beneficial, although I would want a prompt to review the list of users before it was sent.

Having a heads which self popultaes with key informaiton fomr an incident report to be used as an incident notification. It wouold be great if the heads up function could be an option form all templates, instead of raising and action, you could select the heads up function.

Cheers, Hayden




This is great feedback, thank you.

I’ve got a few questions which I’ll ask below but if you’d be willing to share some more thoughts around this, I’d love to have a chat - my calendar link is here.

What usually causes the need for removal of a user from a Heads Up? Is it movement to another department, removal of the user from the organisation or another reason? And, can you also share with me why the 100% is particularly important? Do you have an internal metrics/KPI that is based on these acknowledgements?

Scheduling a heads up is currently possible but on a ‘scheduled send’ basis, not recurring. Is the latter more what you are looking for? 

I’d also love to dive more into the use case behind creating a Heads Up from an Inspection. Can you share an example from your organisation there? 

Thanks again, Hayden, hopefully your ideas will spark some comments from the wider community, too! 



  1. Need for removal -  It depends, could be people leaving the business, the heads up may be irrelevant to the person it was sent to.
  2. 100% is important  for auditing purposes essentially, I would like to show that we are 100% compliant on all heads up, being able to easily remove people would make this easier to demonstrate.
  3. Reoccuring Scheduled send - Yes, as there are certain tasks that happen on a periodic basis, such as Testing and tagging whch could be quarterly or annually. I’m sure there would be a lot of things that business do on a periodic basis which they could schedule haesd up for.
  4. My though process here is that If we have an incident and I populate our incident report template, i then need to pull the information from the report, and then create a heads up. An incident notification is essentialy key facts about an event which need to be communicated without delay, typically includinga breif description, any injuries, type of incident, and any imediate actions required. Being able to select Heads up within a teamplate would allow me to send this information from the incident report, rather than pulling it and rewriting.Could it work like Logic, where this section is populated crate and send Heads up.

Hope this makes sense.



This is great context @POPEY and all makes sense, thank you.

I’ll come back if I have any further questions. 

It is very clunky and although a great tool for comms and Alerts it need to be linked into your mainstream systems.

It needs annotation, labels, drop down lists, links to SC Training and Credentials, links to inspections (as per Popey), also links to assets.

Finally other things that I feel are still missing.

A link to other such as employees / contractors and personnel that are currently outside the system.
I have mentioned on numerous occasion we are missing core personnel - it needs to not just be aimed at mangers and supervisor but right at the front end of the business with those at the coal face front - who are dealing with situations and making decisions.
This linker then is a record and acknowledgement by potentially 90% of the people the SC system currently does not reach

The link to RAMS (Risk Assessments Method Statements) Safe Systems of Work.
Legal requirement but still missing in SC.
Most Heads Ups we use related to a gap or learning event where there maybe a legal link or a validation of the Risk Assessment to ensure that the controls were / are sufficient.

Also important is the SC Training side and a direct link to Training Courses that the Heads Up triggers.
This can be repeated for Assets where we expect personnel to use equipment. Have they been trained are they aware and can we as a business demonstrate this.

Also linking previous ISSUES would be good. This is proof that we are closing things out or we still have gaps and a risk to personnel and the business.

Woah @jonnyg , this is great. 

There’s definitely some recurring themes arising here. There’s also a couple of things I’ve not heard yet and would like to dig into further. 

I think to do your feedback justice it’d make sense for us to have a quick chat, would you be keen to discuss this further? If so, there’s a link to my calendar here

I personally really like the Heads Up feature.  It helps us to communicate easily with our remote team in a way which we’ve never been able to do previously.


I only really struggle with a few things that just the odd tweak would easily solve (it might just be ‘user error’ to be honest!)

I would really like the capability of being able to add further documents/media to a Heads Up once it has been published. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think this is currently possible.

To give you an example, I like to use Heads Up to inform team members of training courses I have booked for them, and then I inevitably get sent more information closer to the training date that I need to share (joining instructions etc). Currently, I can’t go back into a Heads Up to add these in, so that all the relevant documents would all be in once central place, and I’ve had to send these outside of the platform separately e.g. by email.


The only other suggestion I have is perhaps the introduction of user-defined categories might help, particularly once you start to build up a large number of Heads Up. For example, we have a few recurring types of Heads Up e.g. Training, Health and Safety alerts, Health and Wellbeing, it would be good to be able to assign these to each Heads Up to make searching a bit easier.  I usually end up writing the above in the Title, so it makes it a bit easier for me to find down the line.


Hope that might be helpful in some way.




Hi, @emmashuff

Awesome questions/feedback, we’re really opening up the discussion now!

In terms of editing a Heads Up, you can do this but only up to one hour after publishing. I’m assuming you are trying to edit after this time period in your example? How long, on average, after the Heads Up is published would you normally come back to edit? 

And, in regard to your category feedback, what would cause you to search for a past Heads Up? How would you ideally see this working for you, would something like folders work to categorise, or are you specifically talking about a way to tag your Heads Up?


Hi @Shaunwc


Thanks for following this up. You’re right, so I am trying to do this after 1 hour of publishing, but it’s tricky to say how long on average, as it depends on when I receive information that I need to pass onto the team.  I guess what I am trying to do it ADD to the information that is already there in the Heads Up, so it is a central repository for information, and I might not have ALL the information available to me at the time of me sending out the Heads Up.  Joining instructions for a training course is a good example of this, as the training provider only typically sends these out to me close to the training date.   

Being able to add EVERYTHING against the Heads Up would be really useful, then if I ever need to check any details or check exactly what I have told the team, I know it is all in once place and don’t need to go anywhere else.


With regards to the categories, there could be many reasons why I need to go back and search for a past Heads Up.  e.g to make sure I have passed onto the team everything I need to, say about a training course etc. Either tags or folders would be really helpful to be able to filter.  This would mean I could quickly bring up all Heads Up to do with say ‘Training’ or all ‘Toolbox Talks’ .  This would be really helpful, rather than them all be in one big long list


Hope that makes sense! 😊



Ref last reply.

I am continually looking at simplicity.


So here goes.

Head Up should be Alerts and Gaps that we need to re-iterate to teams.


I think your ref to training needs to be in credentials for your users and this can then be updated by adding the training method for that credentials.


This then starts to link and also separate things better.


SC training is awareness only except practicals by competent trainer.


Credential is for one off and specific training such as forklift trucks and example when it must be face to face.

It could be some internal face to face training.


The point I am making is segregate what Heads Up is used for and use credential within the system and all users profiles.


Heads ups.


Simply let SC update Heads Ups so that labels / tags can be added.

This will then mean that when looking for keywords etc and labels/ tags per the allowed 100 you can quickly find for example -


Slips trips and falls


As it could be a label in Heads up like it is in actions and inspections.


Toolbox talks and briefing imo need to be part of a new section in SC where it can be assigned and accepted in such a way that the personnel are present when this and other briefings are delivered.


I assume this may be available in the soon to be released documents or contractors...we shall see.


Hope that helps?

Hi @emmashuff

Thanks again for coming back to me with further context and great feedback. 

As always, i’ve got a few questions - when you add the additional content to the heads up, would you like all users to be notified? Even if they’ve acknowledged? Or would that also be dependent on the type of Heads Up?

Yep, that makes sense in regards to categories, too. Have you used Actions much Emma? They have a labelling feature that sounds like what you’re after. If you haven’t, have a play with the feature and let me know if you have feedback.

