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Hi everyone,

We’re excited to announce that we’ve been working on some new "fill-in course templates" and would love your Community feedback before we release them. Our course library to date has only included "completed courses," so this is a test to see if these new fill-in course templates will be popular.

These are the three templates we're starting with:

  1. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Template
  2. Verification of Competency (VOC) Template
  3. Toolbox Talk Template

Key Details

These templates come pre-configured with specific settings to help new users quickly set them up:

  • SOP Template: Includes an upfront instructional lesson for authors, explaining how to edit the template and setting suggestions (e.g., mandatory setting for the course to appear in the Training Matrix). It also features a separate ‘knowledge check’ lesson with a 100% minimum score already configured.
  • VOC Template: A practical assessment template with useful fields and pre-filled data for easier setup.
  • Toolbox Talk: Includes an instructional lesson for authors and similar settings to the SOP template. Additionally, it has the ‘group training’ setting enabled for easy group presentations and attendee tracking.

We're particularly interested in how these templates compare to our usual "completed courses" and whether they meet your needs/requirements.

  1. Is it clear that the first lesson in the SOP and VOC templates is just instructional? Would you prefer to jump straight into the template without this lesson?

  2. How do you feel about the theme and branding used in the templates? Happy with it, or would you prefer something different?

I'd love to chat with you in the comments below, so please click on each template linked above, and share your feedback so we can start the conversation! Thanks! 




Think these are fantastic. I think the instructions will help a lot of my clients but I also worry that it may be a tad frustrating having to delete that each time once they are used to it. 

With these SOP and VOC? Can these somehow be linked to assets? 

Would be great if Supervisors or others could scan asset bar code and see the SOP for that item of equipment, currently storing SOPs in assets. 

Please look through my posts and you will see the necessity for this.

Competence is KEY

I would prefer a RACI style format for the templates when it comes to VOCs.

There is a lot of discussions available on this subject and the reason why it is a necessity.


  1. Risk Assessment is starting block
  2. This in construction will be a set of RAMS for a given activity
  3. In other areas such as manufacturing where it is normally a generic production process or systematic procedure - then Standard Operating ProcedureS (SOPS) Are required again these will be risk and sequence based. In some areas they are also called JSAs.
  4. The first part is the Risk Assessment
  5. The 2nd part is the Method Statement (Hence RAMS)
    I have been asking for these for some time on a template as the RA is required along with the sequence of events or activities
  6. Hazard ID to be established
  7. Scoring Mechanism (before controls put in place)
  8. Apply suitable controls to lower the risk value to a practicable level
  9. SOP . Method Statement - Standard Operating Procedure or Method Statement - EXAMPLE BELOW For Contractor wanting to undertake High Risk Works on someone else's site / project
    1. This is normally sequential about what is done in a sequence
    2. Key Activities / The Task (dates if required)
    3. Controls for demarcation if required
    4. Access and Egress - Arrangements
    5. Permit requirements 
    6. Sequence of operations - method
    7. List of equipment - plant - Materials to be used
    8. Description of known Hazards (From Risk Assessment)
    9. Key Personnel - Job Roles (As required)
    10. Competence requirements
    11. Additional Tasks (if required)
    12. Tools and Equipment to undertake the works
    13. Contingency Plans - Should any change be required
    14. Waste Disposal
    15. Environmental Controls
    16. Emergency Procedures
    17. First Aid Procedures
    18. COSHH - Assessment (Chemicals etc)
    19. Storage controls on and off site COSHH materials
    20. Welfare Arrangements (If required)
    21. Occupational Monitoring requirements
    22. PPE requirements (Pictograms etc)

So the above is a an example type of Method Statement Associated with RAMS.

These are standard and happen frequently in industries such as manufacturing

They are repeated hourly, shifts, daily and so on.

  1. Name of SOP 
  2. Area - activity it applies to
  3. Reference
  4. Date Issued
  5. Review Date
  6. Sequential flow with images 
  7. The above is a visual walk through guide to assist employees
  8. A typical example 


  9. Along with the sequence (8) there will also be a competency requirement checklist. This is aimed at ensuring that personnel are aware of the things they need to do and actions they may need to take in an unplanned event.
    Now this is where SC can really come into its own with SC training and Practical assessment and proof also via inspections.
  10. There is also a skills checklist. This is aimed again at the operator or person undertaking the activity 
    1. Examples are…
    2. Knowledge of PPE requirements
    3. Sequence of task
    4. Process knowledge relating to correct sequence to occur - undertaken - such as lighting systems or audible warnings etc
    5. Personnel involved to assist including supervisors - are they aware who they are and how to contact
    6. Are they aware of the hazards of the process
    7. Are they aware of what to do when something goes out of sync, is incorrect or could be dangerous
  11. Audits of the SOP
  12. Audit of personnel
  13. GAPS identified and training upskilling implement
  14. Continuous improvement


Another item that is worthy of being added is the following



  • Skills
  • Knowledge
  • Experience
  • Behaviour
    • Safe Acts
    • Unsafe Acts
    • Knowing where people are on the Bradley Curve 
We want people to be in Stage 3-4
Not in Stages 1-2
SC RAMS - SOPS - Competency - Job Roles  - Will assist in knowing our Businesses current

All of the above is simpler when traffic light and other simple systems are visible to show

  • SAFE

With regards to the TBTs?
This varies and is normally done more in Construction in the UK.
However there is a place and need for this and it should be part of briefings.


So my thoughts on this are as i have mentioned on numerous occasions


Risk Assessment

Required (Need to know and quantify what could hurt us)

Template that is more dynamic than currently available is need as this is the foundation for - SAFETY CULTURE



Method to measure competence required.

  • Skills
  • Knowledge
  • Experience
  • Behaviour


Job Roles for user / trades etc with SC for user groups (will expand on this later) potentially in a RACI or similar format

  • What we expect as a minimum
  • A way to measure
  • A way to establish where someone is
  • A way to progress personnel to other levels within the business

Remember if we have the role / activity / requirements and what is expected then we can measure against it.

If we can measure we can find gaps.

We can add things within the system

  • Heads Up
  • TBTs (SC Training)
  • SC training 
  • Issues
  • Actions


The above MUST relate to different groups as required 

However it must include all

  • Contractors
  • Employees
  • Visitors
  • Members of the pubic (as required)

So for SOPs - VOCs - RAMS etc to be dynamic and work they have to link within the system to people managing the process but more importantly to people at the coal face that will be exposed to the hazards / carry out unsafe acts /or see deficiencies within the procedures they are expected to work to.

They can then report 

  • Hazards
  • Near Misses
  • Quality items
  • Positive interventions
  • Ideas


At the moment we have a gap with competency through defined roles that are changing and have changed.

These roles are flexible as we rotate personnel working for different clients on different projects.

We need not only to have this is place but we need IMO the ability to quickly react, record , train, assist and upskill people.


We want to demonstrate internally and also externally that our Health and Safety Management Systems along with Quality, Environmental, Accreditations, Policies, Supply Chain are all credible, tested and not lost in translation by being buried in different systems.


I feel that SC can if they keep building to a Safety Culture and fully integrated system - offer us this.

Regards John

PS. Maybe i should be working for SC  😂




Did not click on the 3 links.

I am so used to links being in BLUE - Hyperlinks.


SOP link.

  • Thought it was clunky
  • Too long
  • Not set up correctly
    • The target audience is the personnel that undertake the task
    • Did not feel that they would benefit
    • I was getting lost a little in the example
    • Maybe split into bitesize lessons even more?


  • Show the area relating to the procedure 
  • The activity
  • Show hazards or test them on the hazards
  • If they are not aware of the risks, controls or impact from hazards then the SOP is irrelevant

General Overview 

It is a big step in the right direction as it is within the SC system




VOC Link

Actually like the concept

As per initial feedback - there are missing pieces still IMO.

This relates to the person(s) we are assessing.

Currently there is not a way to have every employee or contractor on the systems that they are embedded as users.


If we are going to do a VOC.

Then within SC we need an area for Job Roles.
For Construction i would use these roles at the introduction / Induction / Registration with the company.


The registration process should then facilitate the RAMS / SOPS etc with a link to the Job /Trade.

The role would link to the SOP and this would link to the VOC in order to correctly assess the individual against what they should be doing.


All of the above links back to the current 90-95% of people we are currently missing


We want them - where not compliant to be given access to SC training or undertake other briefings etc in order that we can close gaps or undertake other remedial things to reduce retained risk within the business.




Toolbox Talk Template

Other briefings

On slide 2 

TBT topic.
Interested to know how this works in a sequential works area.
Lots of personnel for example - 50 plus per day week in different areas - different dates receiving.

The aim of a TBT should normally be brief

Looking at 10-15 Mins per week

They key for me is being able to complete and then go back to it that day or week to see if personnel have understood it.

Also - translation method for communication for non native language personnel

The date - Should be automated - by scanning or communication via a QR code or similar system

The facilitator - should be automated based upon the device and login along with the facilitators that are designated to undertake TBTs as they are created or even better is there is an hierarchy group.

  • Admin
  • Site Manager
  • Manager 

As per above example instead of manual by person facilitating the TBTs or specific briefing etc is linked to a group.
Hence they can facilitate completion of the briefing


Need recorded communication (simple) that shows acceptance / acknowledgement - with a quiz / test to prove they understand the key messages points from the talk / briefing


Slide 6 of 7.
Can you explain the methodology for this?
Are we sending them the TBT?
So they view and complete 

Or is this in person.

Slightly confused?


I think there must be a unique identifier by the learner such as login to the SC system of similar.
If we are talking Edapps then we are entering murky water?


Knowledge Check is what it is.
Again this % and number of questions etc must be based around the target audience.


All in all i like it.
It is a start

There is however a lot of ironing out to be done.

Would like to see this in a real test with actual correct linking to personnel and facilitators.
The outputs

The gaps 

Brain Boost

All of the above linking together.

As i mentioned earlier one cap does not fit all.

Still feel the basic risk assessment element needs to be addressed.

My goal is to link everything you are dong to prove competency but also have a plan for personnel to move them through the levels of competency for the roles / jobs they undertake.


As an example

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate 
  • Expert 



  • Level 1-2-3 

For example in a RACI matrix to show the level of competence

Regards Johnny

Hi @Jane-2192 

Thank you for your feedback.  

I completely understand the concern about needing to remove the instructional lesson repeatedly. We anticipate most users will customise the templates once, then duplicate them going forward without the instructions. We’re also considering building a template library where companies can save their own versions with any unnecessary content removed.

As for linking SOPs and VOCs to assets, I love that idea! We're actually exploring how to better integrate training with asset management.  For pulling up SOPs by scanning, would you envision using a QR code tied to assets, or are you thinking of an actual barcode?

I’d love to dive deeper into how you’re currently managing SOPs in assets, as that would help us shape this feature to better meet your needs.

Would you be open to a call to explore this further?



Thanks again @jonnyg for your detailed feedback and examples.

SOP Template

We can definitely look at breaking down the lesson even further.  We’ll monitor usage and feedback to make an informed decision.

VOC Template

We see a lot of customers using our practical assessments feature for their learners / workers currently and it’s something we’ll continue to build upon.

Toolbox Talk Template

  • We can definitely look into what’s possible with date entry automation.
  • We advise in the instructions to turn on the ‘group training’ setting for this course for easy group presentations and in-person attendee tracking but the toolbox talk can also be sent to each worker to complete by themselves online. 
  • Assignment of this course to users works the same as assigning any other course in Training.  Learners need a lite seat and login.
  • Our translation feature supports AI or manual translation in over 100 languages, so this is achievable for this Toolbox Talk course template as well.
  • Knowledge check is the quiz or assessment component to ensure workers have understood the toolbox talk content.  If not required, this lesson can be deleted. ​

We’ll continue to refine these templates based on feedback like yours. Please feel free to share any further thoughts.

How do you intend to communicate remotely?


If we have a plethora of contractor employees who maybe sole traders / self employed etc then what is the plan?


The area of personnel coukdninnsome areas swell and grow site to site project to project. 


Are SC envisaging that each will need to pay $60.


I want all personnel that work with or on our sites to have communications of SOPs, TBTs etc including Elearning etc. 


My confusion at the moment is the way this can be done in the simplest manner either face to face or remotely. 


This sector of personnel are generally not management hence the method is key. 


I thought a unique identifier similar to assets such as QR code that can be linked throughout the SC system. 


My concern is that at the moment the plan I see may not be viable for these people to all be on the lite plan to ensure that the records and training aspect can be communicated. 


At the moment are there many companies that have 100% of their staff on the system as this is what maybe required to ensure that we get full capture for contractors etc? 


If we truly are to be heading in the direction of SAFETY CULTURE then surely this is a requirement. 


Many queries I know but still lots of questions that I feel if solved will offer a big improvement for the platform overall. 


Johnny G


