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In this release, you can now:

Customise how you manage your actions with custom action types and fields.

What you’ll love about this new functionality

We’ve seen the wide range of actions and tasks being captured in SafetyCulture and we understand that staying on top of every action happening in your team can be challenging. Adding more flexibility to the types of actions you capture and the information you capture within each action is crucial to simplifying actions management within the SafetyCulture platform. This is why we have added new custom task types and fields for Actions.  

With custom task types and custom fields you can now:

  • Manage your actions in a way that suits you and your team.
  • Create unique task types to help you organise your actions based off your company needs. 
  • Create custom fields to capture costs, numbers or more information about at task. This will help make sure your team knows what information they need to include for every action.

How to get started with the new release

Custom action types and fields is available for you to start using in the settings page of Actions. 
To learn more about Actions in SafetyCulture, read our support article here.
For any additional support, contact our Support Team or your dedicated Customer Success Manager, and they’ll be happy to assist.

@angela.wozniak This is a great next step! Do you know if there are plans to add an API endpoint for action types and allow us to manage default titles, descriptions, priority, etc?

We keep all of our action task types, type descriptions, priority value, etc in a separate database so that we can create consistent actions and accurately report on action type occurrence, late actions, on time actions, avg action duration, etc.

Love it. I stumbled across the new feature last week when I noticed an early access tab so made me take note.

It was perfect timing as we were trying to solve a problem around actions off the back of internal quality and  compliance audits. 

@angela.wozniak This is a great next step! Do you know if there are plans to add an API endpoint for action types and allow us to manage default titles, descriptions, priority, etc?

We keep all of our action task types, type descriptions, priority value, etc in a separate database so that we can create consistent actions and accurately report on action type occurrence, late actions, on time actions, avg action duration, etc.


Hey @dataadminpjsm, thanks for your comments.

We will have API endpoints to configure Action Types and to submit Custom fields. However we won’t have default types and titles yet. Do you submit actions through the APIs? What are the use cases when you need the default values for the fields? 

You will definitely be able to export all the information to your separate database with these APIs.

Great to hear you are loving our new Actions features @Andrew Gabb🙌

Hey @dataadminpjsm, thanks for your comments.

We will have API endpoints to configure Action Types and to submit Custom fields. However we won’t have default types and titles yet. Do you submit actions through the APIs? What are the use cases when you need the default values for the fields? 

You will definitely be able to export all the information to your separate database with these APIs.


Hello @esusatyo,

Our end goal is to be able to create actions automatically depending on the flagged items within the inspections or some other method of API created action but we do not currently create actions this way. We use the action API for different processes like sending a daily summary of all open actions via email to company executives, sending open action summaries to the individual assignees (in our case, they are our area managers), and tracking action analytics so we can get additional metrics like how late an action was, average amount of time to complete an action by action type, etc. We also use the inspection API to prefill inspections with core data and send our “completed inspection” emails.

For us, the use case would be consistency in action reporting, naming conventions, and efficiency. We currently have 34 different action types the come from our Safety Inspections. Each action has a specific title so that the user (area manager) can quickly understand what needs to get done without extra clicks into a description (which we also have a default description). We also want to better link the associated jobsite to the action since this is highly relevant when trying to resolve an action, but we have not committed to linking that data into “sites” at this time. Also, we have predetermined the priority of each action which is directly correlated to the due date. (ie. High= 24hr completion, Medium= 48hr completion, Low= 72hr completion). This has helped us get accurate analytics into our most common points of failure and reduce the overall time it takes for actions to get created and completed. (Down around 10% qtr over qtr for the last year in action completion time)

I have debated using labels to hold an ID of each action type but I worry about user error. I have looked into reporting off of the inspection item linked to an action, but there are typically 3 action possibilities per question in our inspection so this does not give detailed enough analytics.

That being said, would love to see it in the future as this is one of the last hurdles we have to overcome to fully automate our reporting. 

Thank you for sharing more information about how you use Actions and the APIs to help manage your tasks @dataadminpjs. I know Enrico and the rest of the team working on Actions will take your feedback on board when looking at future builds and we’ll be sure to keep you updated via community when more new things are released for Actions 😊

@esusatyo ,


Is there a way I can understand more how your default description works? I’m trying to understand this more and have built out labels to help the organization of actions for our teams.

