All above ideas are a must for “Issue”
Along with tags / labels.
Issues level - need critical
Need expansion method
Need custom labels - as per templates
As above.
I have added a link earlier for thread about investigations.
This is an expansion to an area via controlled methods for Investigations.
This is a more controlled way to link issues that maybe near miss and hazard scenarios that may have little, Medium or serious consequences to personnel or the business.
I will be posting some example of scoring in a future post - about HiPos.
High Potential Near Misses.
This will be based upon the potential from the actual or near miss situation.
It would expand from Issues and create a controlled methodology that can be used throughout the company.
This would assist with an investigation process / route.
It would also be evidence of control and what improvements a company makes after a potential or actual event.
The process scoring would then move and escalate as required throughout the process and company.
It would also suffice for Issue raised that have little impact or relevance and can be easily closed without any escalation.
It would be the new process for investigation whether started via issues or an actaul event with injury or damage to assets or the environment.
Will add some more info shortly.