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I have some newer users and users that only access the templates from time to time and they don’t always understand what is asked.

We all know that a picture speaks a thousand words.

If we could like a picture to a question via a “i” for information that will then pop up and shows more details of what is asked or an example it would be a great help.

You could also think of text as information with a large description of what the user should look for

Hi JJV, 

You can already do this with templates, I’m looking for a similar feature in issues. 
For templates, you can use the Instruction response in the template builder. It’s not pretty, but functional. You can then have these instructions hidden on the report by changing the report setting. If you go into the public template library and search for this reference: Fire Door Inspection (AA-HS-SF-4013), you may find an example of what I’m talking about.