For hourly employees that conduct inspections daily, most of them are sharing accounts. They share iPads rather than having one dedicated to every employee. Asking them to go to More to see who is logged in, log out, type a full email address, and type a full password (which they will forget) multiple times a shift would be an unreasonable ask, let alone getting them to do it once a shift if they had their own iPad.
A method of fast user switching between specific users on one device would be ideal.
- This would need to be coupled with the request for a new license type or more inspections for Lite users (Pay as you grow with Lite seats | Community ( It would be unreasonable to purchase a Full license for every employee, so splitting that cost up with individual, less costly licenses would be better.
- The SC app settings would need a toggle to enable fast user switching on that device.
- Each user who wants to share the device would login to the SC app once for it to store their credentials.
- When they login the first time, it would prompt them for a 4-digit pin code (if Face ID or Touch ID could be used for multiple people, that would be better), and to take a picture of themselves.
- The SC app would need a way for fast-user switching enabled devices to easily see who is currently logged in (profile picture and name always visible on the top). Without this, they will forget to switch to themselves when picking up the iPad.
- To switch users, they’d simply click that name/picture, choose their name of users already pre-setup and logged in (with an option at the bottom to add another user to fast switching), and enter their 4-digit code.
This would solve the issue of having to ask with a question who people are because they’d be conducting work as themselves. Our data would be significantly better.