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Credentials - Bulk download of certificates

Related products: Training

I recently starting using the bulk upload feature for credentials and once I had worked out an issue with the date formatting (with support from SC), I found it a really useful and time saving tool.

Moving on, quite often we have a need to download several certificates of competency at a time. For example, a client asks for proof that operatives that will be attending a site hold asbestos awareness training. At the moment, we have to download each individually so it would be great if you could work on a feature to allow several to be downloaded at once.

I am aware that an update will allow users to show their credentials on site which will be of benefit, but I am talking about pre site mobilisation. 

Hey @Andrew Gabb! Just wanted to check in and confirm that it is now possible to bulk download credentials to CSV. Does this release address your request? 

Hey @Andrew Gabb I just came across this post. I’m also interested to know how important it is to show the actual media associated with the credential vs just being able to show a register of all users who have completed the training and the expiry dates? 

As Bianca mentioned, we do now have the export to CSV but obviously this does not include media. 
