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Campo de "Notas" en "Activos" / "Notes" field in "Assets"

Related products: Assets

Me gustaría proponer que en los “Activos” hubiese una zona de “Notas” para añadir cualquier anotación importante del activo.

Facilitaría mucho el trabajo, ya que al acceder al activo a través de NFC o con un código QR ya tendrías a primera vista las fotos, los documentos y así las anotaciones que consideras importantes para ese activo.

Un saludo

English translation:

I would like to propose that in the “Assets” there was a “Notes” area to add any important notes about the asset.

It would make the work much easier, since by accessing the asset through NFC or with a QR code you would already have at first glance the photos, documents and thus the annotations that you consider important for that asset.

All the best

Hey @AnxoPorto! Apologies for the delayed reply here, however I wanted to check if your idea matches the existing idea posted here:

If so, I am excited to mention that this is something the team are planning on developing at some point in the future - as mentioned in the linked thread above. If the ideas are aligned, I will move ahead and merge them so that the votes are combined :)