Visualize data within graphs in Analytics

Related products: Analytics

You can visualize the specific data and numbers only by hovering with the mouse.

Would be useful having all the data and numbers already within the graphs. 

Also for png/jpg download, so that in presentations all the data is more understandable. 

Hey @Marcos, thanks for sharing this feedback.


I’d like to learn more here, just for my own understanding - are you referring to the below wherein you can see more details when you hover over a particular segment?


We’re also enhancing our JPEG/PNG download functionalities, in which you’ll see more metadata about the chart and it’s contents than before. We’re looking to include the below in our image exports - 

  1. Title of the chart
  2. Total (the number at the top left)
  3. Legends about individual segments (if needed)
  4. The chart itself (the portion of the chart that is in view when you click on both the Download > Chart image options.


Hi Manan,
it would be really helpful if all the percentages of individual columns were shown in the graph without the need to hoover the mouse over them.
Also, it would be helpful to be able to resize the text: if the names on the axis are too long (which happens often with sites names) they are not shown correctly.
As I understand it, the function of exporting the graph to png or jpeg is simply a screenshot of the graph as it is shown on the screen, so if there is too much data in the graph it will not be fully displayed (the generated image will contain only the data visible at the time of the screenshot). It would be useful if all the data were always exported so that it could be more easily embedded into a document or presentation; as it is now, it’s currently unusable for this purpose.

Hi Manan,
it would be really helpful if all the percentages of individual columns were shown in the graph without the need to hoover the mouse over them.
Also, it would be helpful to be able to resize the text: if the names on the axis are too long (which happens often with sites names) they are not shown correctly.

Hey @Mattia T. , thanks for the context. We’re working on adding the capability to vertically resize the chart, this will allow more real estate for data and labels associated with the data points.


Appreciate the feedback, it’s detailed and very helpful for our product & engineering teams.

Hi @Manan

Thanks for the reply! 
I confirm what Mattia mentioned.
As example, something like that:

So that main results are visible as default, then hovering more deep data is shown.

Thanks for your work.
