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Your challenge if you wish to accept it is extending the underlying version control publish feature to achieve the following functionality:

  • Ability to schedule publish activity - work on it now, communicate your change and sleep in on the day of release as it is sorted.
  • Create change log and notes - visibility when it matters:
    • Helps others understand what you did
    • You may be making changes over multiple days and want to know what you have or haven’t done
  • Roll back versioning - didn’t like what you did, or another individual impacted your work no stress, restore in less time than it takes to make a coffee.
  • What’s new - turn on a linked heads up or text to explain what has changed in the new version the next time an individual completes the new version for the first time. Your data is only as good as how clear those that do the hard work of inspections can connect to the ask. Reinforces learning about the change prior to completing the activity again in a new way of working.


Very quick type up in between commitments, if you need more details, I know you will get in contact.



Hey Ben,


Great post, love the idea of rolling back versions in less time than it takes to make a coffee. I’m looking at changes in this space in 2025, would love to have a chat to hear more of your ideas!​​​​​​

Knowing what has been changed in a template would be fantastic!  Even if it’s just a tick mark on each question to indicate if it’s been modified, moved, or added since the template was last published. Then perhaps if you click on that mark, it shows you what the previous wording or location was.  I frequently run into users not realizing someone changed a template and didn’t publish it.  They have no idea what was changed and either publish it blindly or click undo until the Publish button goes away, hoping nothing important was lost….

Hey Corey - great insights, thank you. I’ll look to schedule another call with you, before the end of the year to chat through - if this suits?


@Ben Snyders, if you’d like to chat through further, please drop me an email at we can sort out a time and day!

@Karen Starr that would be fine.