Work Order Management

Related products: Actions

The ability to create and manage work orders within the SafetyCulture platform. 

Users could create a customised form based template to manage work orders in a way which works for their organisation.
These work orders could be linked to an Asset within the platform and/or integrated with an external system. 

In addition to the above users could use SafetyCulture as a means of requesting work to be done by either someone inside their org or external to it.

@James Bell totally love this idea! 

I did see that you can put an asset for a template, but definitely would be interesting to have these work order forms be connected to an external system. Unless I may have missed something I’m not aware of🤔


Stumbled upon this guide too about giving external template access to users so maybe it’d be cool to integrate this with another system.

How to give external template access to other organizations

Thats correct @Juellia.

You can currently link an inspection or an action to an Asset, we’re actively exploring integrating Assets with more parts of the platform currently. 

You’re absolutely correct, you have the ability to share templates across organisations as you called out. 

Would you be willing to spend 30 mins and talk us through your experience with work orders and allow us to discuss potential avenues we could further improve the platform with an end to end work order experience? 
If so, I can reach out to you directly to find a time or alternatively if its easier you can find a time which works for you in my calendar