Site column on inspection list + filter by levels above site

Related products: Inspections

I find this hard to believe it is not there already.

  1. For the ability to add the site name to the inspection title format in the reporting;
  2. This is because. I have a template linked to a scheduled inspection. It lists the site name in the scheduled inspection. But when a report it completed, there is no way I can search for the site name? I can only view the site name by clicking view report. I know I can add a question to add the site name, but this is doubling up and it’s not needed.
  3. I would like to have a site column option in the inspections page; and
  4. When filtering, in the inspections page, to be able to filter by areas, to show all site inspections for the area.

Hi @Matt Roche 👋

If I understand correctly, points 1 and 2 should be available in the product already – but I have a feeling that you don’t actually have the actual “Site” question in your templates? 

To my surprise, when I tested starting a scheduled inspection that has site configured, using a template that doesn’t have the “Site” question added, the site is still prefilled in the inspection metadata – honestly, I’m not sure if this is expected or not.

But for 1 or 2 to work, you do need to have the “Site” question in the template. I understand your concern about doubling up, but if the site is selected in the schedule, the site question doesn’t actually need to be answered, as it’ll be prefilled.

For points 3 and 4, they’re definitely not available right now, so thank you for creating the idea! 🙏🏻

A scheduled inspection already relates to a site, so I don’t know why I need to ask another choose your site question. 

You’re right, and I agree that it’s not the best experience @Matt Roche!

At a basic level, the site question just clarifies with users which site they’re conducting the scheduled inspection for – they don’t actually need to edit/answer the question in anyway. However, there are edge cases where a user has noticed the site set in the schedule to be incorrect, so the ability to edit the prefilled site in the inspection has been beneficial.

I’ve brought this to the attention of our Product team already, so it’s definitely something we’ll be mindful of as we shape the schedule and inspection experiences in the future.

Appreciate your ideas as always Matt! 🙏🏻