Version control within inspections

Related products: Inspections


we utilise a survey template which sees multiple users entering details into the template when completing various stages of site surveys. 

We would like to record the version number within the inspection and the name of the user that updated the inspection each time an update is made and keep the version history visible. 

Does anyone have an idea of how we could achieve this? 

Hi @Andrew Gabb, thank you for sharing your use case here!

I’ve asked around as well, and it’s definitely a tricky one.

One solution that came up was using repeat sections to log each version from each user who edits an inspection, but the drawback being that anyone can edit another person’s version given that they can all edit the inspection. Visually, it might also be hard to look back on who made what changes in a particular version, and the versioning also wouldn’t be automated like document number.

Another one I’ve thought of, which requires a bit more work with integrations, is as follows:

  1. Register a webhook using inspection update as the trigger event, perhaps checking a specific question as the indicator for whether a new “version” is created or not.
  2. Export the inspection as PDF as a snapshot of the inspection at that point in time.
  3. Upload the PDF to a shared drive and link it in the inspection.
  4. Repeat the above for each version.

This way, the final inspection report should ideally have a link to all the snapshots of inspection that each version’s point in time.

I appreciate that neither are pretty, so I’ll go ahead and convert this post to an idea as well – centred around versioning for inspections.