Assets fields configuration

Related products: Assets

Hello! Apologies if these have been brought up before, but I’m getting to know the Assets tool and have some ideas that would make it much more user-friendly for my organization:

  1. Visibly show which asset types use each field so admins can more easily tell if they should modify an existing field or create a new one
  2. Have a dropdown/multiselect/radio button option for asset fields to simplify input and avoid typos
  3. The ability to manually arrange fields so they display in an order that makes sense rather than  always alphabetically
  4. A simple hierarchy structure that establishes 1-3 levels of parent/child relationships among assets

I’ll probably have more ideas as I dive in deeper, but wanted to get these out there while they’re fresh in my mind. Thanks!

Hey Alyssa,


Thanks for this. These are great suggestions.


1 is one we’ve not considered yet, but it is a good idea. 

2 + 3 will come soon. The reordering fields part is probably a week or so away.

Hierarchy is also on the roadmap for later in the year. 


Keep the ideas coming. 




Spectacular news! Thanks so much!

I’m happy to elaborate further on #1 if you need some examples of how it would be useful.

Crying out for your second idea. I’ve asked a few months about this and having a choice of fields like Text entry, list, radio button. Asset lists can become messy when people enter in data into text fields slightly different to each other. The option to give a list to choose from, for example; cable length like 2 Meter, 3 Meter, 5 Meter, 10 Meter instead of seeing 2m, 2mtr, 2M, 2 Meter, 2METER would please my OCD.,


Las ideas 2 y 3 me parecen totalmente necesarias.


Hi Alyssa,

Reordering of fields in the edit type page is now live. This can be achieved through a simple drag and drop to order however you see fit. This functionality also works for adding and removing fields.

Thanks for your patience and we will keep delivering more Asset’s features soon.




Woohoo!! Thanks a million! Looking forward to seeing what’s to come 😀
