Require "Site" in actions + bulk assign actions to sites

Related products: Actions

Standalone action visibility is set to “Site” for us so everyone at a site can see all actions associated with their site. The problem is that Site is frequently not added to Actions. It would be nice if there were some changes to facilitate this:

  1. A setting to require Site (perhaps by action label)
  2. A setting to allow one to bypass that setting for personal actions that they don’t want/need others to see (or perhaps tied to an action label)
  3. In the blue bar that appears at the bottom when you multi-select more than one action on the listing, an “Assign Site” button so we can attach the same site to many Actions at once.

Currently, I have to open each Action one by one and add the Site, go back to the list, and open the next.  It’s very tedious.

I thought this was available.

When an action is created and site chosen then in analytics the site action should grouped and collated.

I also thought that creating custom analytic views would assist in this when looking at actions in analytics to see what actions each site has.

Maybe wrong…


Thank you for the post and great suggestions @Corey

We’re always looking to provide a more scalable and flexible solution so we will take these point under serious consideration. 

Our next step is hopefully providing our customers with the ability to add custom fields and different types of action in SafetyCulture. After this, a little further afield, we would love to include the ability to configure optional/mandatory fields.

That would be great.  It’s pretty annoying that people forget to add Site, therefore, many Actions are only visible to the creator and the person assigned to it, rather than everyone at the site.  Worse that when I catch these, I have to open the actions one by one and add the site, as the bulk selection bar does not have “assign site” as an option.  As I mentioned, it would be important that “personal” action was an option.  Although I may require Site for everyone, there are use cases where you would not want that if you create actions for things only you are doing yourself and don’t need others (besides Admins) to see.