Time calculations in inspections

Related products: Templates Inspections

I want to track elapsed time for an inspection. I need to enter the start time and end time of the inspection. It would be nice if I could have the total inspection time automatically calculated based on the start time and end time..

Hi @RV P. I. thank you very much for raising this idea. 

While you may already be aware that we do have an automatic calculations feature, unfortunately this feature is currently confined to number question types but we do have aspirations to, one day in the future, extend the calculations engine beyond to other question types and parts of the app such that we can solve use cases like the one you have outlined.

In the mean time I’ll link to a Help Centre Article about the current capabilities of auto calculations.


Hi @RV P. I. 

You can get the duration of template completion in Analytics. I use it to check that people aren’t just ticking through boxes and doing the inspections properly. 

Admittedly the charts only show average time taken but if you click into the template you want (or filter on it), then click on the bar, it will open up a separate box on the right of your screen and list the times of all the templates.

It’s a bit of a long way around and not displayed on the inspection itself, if that is what you were looking for.
